
Thursday, April 16, 2015

Facing Faces, Impressionistic Portraits

I'm teaching a "Facing Faces" class in my Meetup Group on Sunday.  I have some pretty amazing artists coming, so I figured I better do a little practicing myself!  Using an old photo of myself as a guide, I created a 9 x 12 canvas that went through lots of ugly stages, as most creations do.

The stencil on her top is the Paisley Floral Repeat from Stencil Girl.  

You can watch the whole process of Painting an Impressionistic Face on YouTube or right here!

Does painting faces scare you?  It used to scare me.  But thanks to lots of YouTube tutorials and classes, I can approach them with an explorers mind.

One of my classes at Art is You will expand on some of these techniques.  It's called "Paint Your Perfect World."  If you can make it in October, check out my classes and all the amazing offerings at Art is You!

Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

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  1. Jessica!! Thank you so much for sharing your talent!! This portrait is absolutely beautiful!!
    You are a gifted lady and I enjoy learning from you and watching your processes!! xo

  2. Faces do scare me! I love what you hacve done!

    1. Thank you Jean. I have been practicing my faces for years and am always learning.

  3. Great job Jessica! Faces used to really scare me but I too have learned so much from you tube vids and an online class I am currently taking. Thanks for sharing your process on the video.

    1. Many thanks Linda. Instead of saying "Practice makes perfect," I think of it as "Practice IS perfect!"

  4. Yes faces are scary to approach for me and I usually avoid them!! lol This is really helpful Jessica & can't wait for Sunday's workshop with you to learn more!!

    1. Pam thank you. It was so great to see you in class today. I hope you keep doing faces. The one you created today was so pretty!

  5. Super video - just pinned it for future reference. See you Sunday!

    1. Thank you Marjie! It was so great to see you today in class. You did great work!

  6. Love to see you painting! That picture of you is so sweet, and i love how you painted the hair!

    1. Many thanks Denise. Hope all is well with you. Of course you know I LOVE your faces!


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