
Monday, April 13, 2015

Angels and the Eyes of Wisdom

Remember the art journal spread I shared last week?  It started like this:

On the left hand side of the spread, I started outlining some of the flowers from the April Stencil Club 9 x 12, and ... wouldn't you know it, an angel grew out of them.

 I began filling in the flowers with a mixture of paint and glazing medium...

And then worked on my angel...

I continued to work on her, adding some doodling to her halo.  The page sat like this for several days.  And then, one of my yoga teachers said something so beautiful in class:  "Through the eyes of wisdom, difficulties can become good fortune."  I added those words to the page, to remember.

Even though I designed the April Stencil Club Stencils with a "Feelin' Groovy" theme, I think they work nicely in more muted colors as well.  Do you agree?

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  1. Amazing how your work transforms itself into beautiful works of art! Thank you for sharing some of your steps!

  2. Another beauty Jessica!!
    I love the diversity of those stencils! And yes, they do work well with muted colors. Your sweet angel is so serene! xo

  3. I love this! The muted colors definitely work just as well... the angel is beautiful and that's a perfect quote!

    1. Thanks Gwen. I was happy to see that the stencil worked well with those other colors too.

  4. She's amazing! I'm a strong believer in angels. You just never know where they'll show up!

    1. Thanks Raine - I'm always on the lookout for them!

  5. She's so beautiful and so you. xox

  6. Oh thank you Andrene. So kind of you.


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