
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Facing Faces Class ReCap

I had the honor of hosting 12 women in my studio during a recent Meetup class called "Facing Faces."  

We started class by talking about the "ins and outs" of faces, and did some loose sketching on color copy paper (which I like because the pencil moves very nicely on it).
We practiced using color with Portfolio Pastels on map pages from an old atlas. 
 And then we created backgrounds using acrylic paint and stencils, and created unique and whimsical portraits.
I love that no two faces were alike! 
 Here's the one I started in class, and finished the next day.

I used stencils by MaryBeth Shaw, Kae Pea, and Mary Nasser for the background and silver accents.  Here's a video of some of my process.

You can also watch "Facing Faces with Jessica Sporn on YouTube" here.

I'm still considering whether to add some text to her... what do you think?

I will be teaching some of these techniques in my upcoming class at Art is You called "Paint Your Perfect World."

I hope you will check out my class, and all of the other wonderful workshops at Art is You.

Plus, if you live in the northern NJ area, check out my Meetup group for upcoming classes.  There are 6 people max, so it's a great way to get lots of individual attention!  And there's easy access from Manhattan too.

Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

If you don't already, please sign-up for my newsletter HERE, and follow me on FacebookPinterestBloglovin and YouTube, so that you never miss a giveaway, and always get the latest Jessica Sporn Designs News!  

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  1. You are such a great teacher. You faces are just stunning and can tell your style immediately. I bet the ladies had so much fun.

  2. Love her as is. Sometimes words aren't needed.

  3. I just love, not only, your art but your posts. The way you write about your art and your experiences always draws me in and makes me feel I am a part of it. I sure wish I were closer! Thank you again for a wonderful and generous share <3

  4. Super-gorgeous, Jessica! Loved watching the video!
    I love her without words...she looks so's left up to the viewer's imagination as to what she is thinking!
    Just STUNNING painting!!

  5. p.s. love that you have your participants sketch faces on maps! :)

  6. Love the faces! You are an awesome teacher. I love the stamps you designed on the RubberMoon brand! Maybe an online class would be in order, if you ever do one on faces. Illinois is a ways away from your studio. Keep on sharing your beautiful art with us. Namaste'

  7. She is GORGEOUS Jessica and I love your video!

  8. What a great class it was! Love your finished piece... off to pin!

  9. Oh, I love all the faces; yours is a stunner, I wouldn't bother with words at all. Sometimes the viewer has their own narrative going!

  10. I wish I was a friend who lived close so I could come over and play too. Looks like so much fun. I love the girl just like she is. Not sure where you would put any journaling because the entire canvas is so cool and I wouldn't want the words to cover anything up. Like the girl before me said, let us, the viewers make up our own thoughts.


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