
Sunday, April 26, 2015

Stretching My Boundaries with Marjie Kemper and Inventive Inks

I'm more of a paint girl than an ink girl.  But I'll study anything with a great teacher, even if it's way outside my comfort zone.  So when Marjie Kemper revealed her new online class with Craftsy called "Inventive Ink; Colorful Mixed Media Effects," I knew I had to take it.

I took one of Marjie's classes last October at Art is You, and her knowledge, organization, and ability to put students at ease were just fantastic.

Here's what you get for your $29.99 class with Marjie at Craftsy: Seven detailed lessons, with just about every technique you can possibly imagine you could do with inks. Marjie's enthusiasm for the products and all you can do with them is infectious.  She creates projects before your eyes, and even makes some "mistakes," and shows you how you can fix them.  She shares what to do with your tags and other projects, and gives tips for how to take them to the next level.

I honestly would have felt that I'd gotten my money's worth at the end of the first lesson!  And then there were 6 more!  What an amazing deal!  (You know when you're watching a series on Netflix and you think you'll stop after an episode... but then a little timer says "your next episode will start in 15 seconds... and so you keep watching and watching?  Well that's what it was like for me with Marjie's classes.  They were so good, I just *had* to keep watching!)

Here's what my work table looked like as I prepared to start watching the lessons:

I decided to work on tags, and pulled out some of my stamps from RubberMoon, and stencils from Stencil Girl Products.     I was so involved in the lessons, that I neglected to take step out pictures beyond this:

But by the end of the 7 lessons, I had created three tags, all of which I am so pleased with (if I do say so myself!).

I will definitely be incorporating some of these fabulous techniques into my future work.  And I LOVE the fact that I can re-visit these classes again and again, as there's no expiration date for them. Plus, I know I will get so much more out of them in sessions to come.

AND BEST OF ALL: Marjie has offered a 1/2 price class to one lucky commenter on this blog!  So leave a comment below and make sure to include your email address if you want a chance to win a 1/2 price Inventive Ink class!

 Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

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  1. Colors are bright and ght anf gorgeous...bea

  2. wow doesn't seem like enough. Alot going on, but easy on the eyes. Plus the colors are amazing!

  3. These are fabulous. I can't wait to get started with it.

  4. These are fabulous. I can't wait to get started with it.

  5. She is a master inker that's for sure, nice job on your part too. xox

  6. Wow! Your tags are gorgeous Jessica!!! Sounds like a great class! I'm gonna have to check it out...

  7. Great tags with beautiful colors. Just yesterday I was reading about Marjie's class at Craftsy. It would be great to take it for half price.

  8. Thanks so much Jessica, for sharing, and for showing your work!

  9. I really enjoyed the colors that you used for this class. I'm going to check it out !

    Nan Leiker

  10. The class seems really great, I love the tags you created and would love to be able to take the class at half price.

  11. Wow, your tags are gorgeous, I am only half way through the class but enjoying every minute. If my creations look half as good as yours I will be thrilled!

  12. These tags are gorgeous would love to,win the half price class!!

  13. These are gorgeous bits of your beautiful style, Jessica - loving them!

  14. ohhhh! Looks like a fab class. Would love to win it at half price. sltresso (at) hotmail (dot) com

  15. As always Jessica I get so excited when I see you have posted on your blog. I feel the same way about Marjie. I get so inspired by both of your creative pieces and love everything you do. I have many of your stencils and use them all the time. You can tell by looking at them that they are much loved and used. I would love to take a class from Marjie. I will patiently wait for you to choose. Thank You.

  16. Super job! Of course, i would love to win!

  17. I love these! This looks like a wonderful class.

  18. I went to Craftsy and watched the introduction video....looks like a fantastic class! Like all the other gals making comments about your class, I would be so excited to win and take this colorful class for half price. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Good luck, everyone!

  19. oops!.....My email address is

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. these look great and I love the colour combinations. kingdianne at bigpond dot com

  22. Wow! Love your tags. I'm also enjoying her

  23. Looks like an amazing class! Love your tags, Jessica, thanks for sharing.


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