
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Integrating Photographs On An Art Journal Page

I had a spread in my journal where I had been using up excess paint.

I grabbed the 9 x 12 April Stencil Club Stencil, and my Circles and Squares stencil, and started playing around...

I had cut up some of my Guatemala photographs.  I started moving around three of the women from the families we sponsor, placing them on the right side of the spread.  I glazed over the stenciled background so that it wouldn't be so busy behind these beautiful ladies.  I felt like the women added so much depth to the page.

I had a shot of one of the streets in their village.  I fussy cut it, and adhered it behind them.  I added one of the trees from the Judy's Trees stencil to fill out the background.  Then I extended the path through the village with paint to integrate the background photo into the page.

I added journaling around the trees about our last visit to Guatemala.  I'm going back on May 4, and I can't wait!

Linking to Mix it Monthly, where the April challenge is "Villages," and to Art Journal Every Day.

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  1. that is so great the way you built it up

  2. Jessica I love what you did!! You are one creative person! Can't wait to get the stencils!!🎨🎨🎨

    1. Thanks Sue. I hope you have fun working with them, and look forward to seeing any pics (hint hint!).

  3. Love the depth you have achieved here Jessica.

    1. Thanks so much Seth! I'm honored that you stopped by!

  4. Just love this. A beautiful dichotomy.

  5. Fabulous Jessica!! I love the way you put this page together- the layering of elements- you created such depth! Just gorgeous! xx

  6. You are just uncontrollably amazing... and I love it. I hope you show them this or bring it to the ladies.

  7. This is so cool! I love how it looks with the photos collaged in with the stenciling. Beautiful!

    1. Thank you Gwen! It worked out. Thanks for stopping by!

  8. Isn't it great that leftover paint can always be used as long as you have an art journal handy. Clever how you integrate all the components...and your stencils are fab.

    1. Thank you Jo. I had been wanting to use these women - each from a different photo!

  9. Marvelous how this came out, the photos melt into the pages. xox

    1. Thanks Corrine - it was fun to play with them - they don't know one another - but it was nice to connect them on the page.

  10. Im inspired to try this...b

    1. Thanks Bea! I hope you'll share what you make -- would love to see!

  11. So amazing how you build up this dimension and it felt so beautiful when the path with the houses are build! The trees catches my eyes also and I really love the sun and the smile on the womens face in the end!! ♥ Conny Mix It Monthly

    1. Thank you Conny. And thank you for the inspiration you always provide!

  12. I've been very much enjoying the process of adding photos to journal pages, and this is a great read!

  13. I enjoyed seeing the process pictures of how you put this all together. The journaling around the trees really adds to the final piece.

  14. A wonderful collage of photo and art- a fascinating journal page!

  15. Absolutely woderful! I LOVE this collage!


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