
Friday, December 19, 2014

A Journey Begins With a Single Step

If the shoe doesn't fit, transform it.  That's what I did with  a set of pumps that have, somehow, grown too small for me.  Funny how that happens.

I wrapped one of the pumps in Blick Plaster Cloth and let it dry for a few days.  Then I covered the gauze with Golden Fluorescent Acrylics in yellow and orange.

I pulled out the Hearts, Flowers and More Stencil, and used a cosmetic sponge to stencil fluorescent pinks and reds onto tissue paper.  I wanted to use bright colors because this is a gift for one of my teenage nieces.

It was easy to "cut" the tissue paper into strips and adhere it to the shoe with matte medium.  I got much cleaner imprints than if I had tried to stencil directly onto the shoe.  (I put "cut" in quotes because there are no scissors involved.  Instead, I paint a thin strip of water where I want to separate the paper, and it easily tears apart without a sharp hard edge.  You can see a video of the technique here.)

I love this quote by Chinese philosopher Lao-tzu, and thought it was a good one for a teenage girl,preparing for adulthood.  I used these golden beads from my stash to represent a ladder or staircase and arranged the words.  I thought about having them in reverse order, so the eye would have to climb the steps to read it, but in the end arranged them traditionally.

Then my muse took over, as I adhered items from my stash, pulled the background together with glazing medium and Quinacridone Magenta Golden Fluid Acrylic paint, and used Jaquard dimensional fabric paint to create dots and the white heart jewel.  I used black paint through tissue paper with Pam Carriker's Border stencil to create the zig zags around the shoe.  I thought it provided the perfect accent!

I'm posting this shoe to my niece today.  I hope she enjoys it and that it inspires her.

Here are a few pics from my families recent Hanukkah celebration.  I hope, whatever you celebrate, that you are enjoying this season!

And, in this season may we all remember:

Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

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  1. I LOVE this shoe and plan to do my own version in the New Year! Thanks for the wonderful inspiration!! I loved the video too!! Happy Holiday my dear, blessing to your family you truly are a light of love! I shall steal that beautiful quote as it rings so true as a much needed message in our world today! Beautiful family photos thanks for sharing!

    Hugs Giggles

    1. Thank you so much! I hope you'll send me a picture if you do, as I'd love to see it. Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year.

  2. Fantastic gift for your niece. Love the re-use too. Sweet mail arrived for me today. Thanks so much. xox

    1. Thanks Corrine - the re-use makes me happy. Have a very merry Christmas dear friend.

  3. Fantabulous shoe - I'm in love with it Jessica! Thanks for the know I'm going to have to try one!

    1. Oh I hope you do and send me a pic so I can share it. Have a very Merry season of lights!

  4. Great gift and more special that you made it. She will love and treasure it. I hope you have an amazing celebration week. <3

    1. You too Judy. Have a very Merry Christmas and enjoy all your time with your family. xx

  5. That shoe is terrific! Your niece will love it. I love the piece you put at the end of your post, about the teachers of Love. Very poignant. I hope that you and your family have a happy, healthy holiday season.
    Love and Hugs from Raine

    1. Thank you Raine! All my best wishes to you and yours as well. xx

  6. WOW! Jessica- this shoe is gorgeous!!
    What a wonderful gift for your niece- the quote is a perfect fit!(pun intended)
    I really love how you "cut" and adhered , it makes the application so much cleaner and neater! Beautiful colors and embellishments- You rocked this!!
    Happy holiday wishes for you and your family Jessica!! xo

    1. Thank you for your very puny comment Jackie! All my best wishes go out to you and your family as well. Hope to see you again soon. xx

  7. Once upon a time when my feet weren't so fat and I didn't have arthritis, I LOVED shoes. I have a little collection of mini shoes my friends keep giving me and, in the trunk of my car, I have one lonley high heeled pump I was taking to the trash for my daugher. I am going to save this shoe and create a beautiful gift for her instead with your inspiration! Blassed new year to you and your family.

    1. So glad I've inspired you to up cycle that pump! Blessings to you and your family. xx

  8. She laments that she has no pumps in the back of her closet! But a sale at PayLess might just be in her near future! Love your shoe gift for your niece, Jessica! Not just the shoe, but the inspiring sentiment. Thanks for sharing the pictures of your family celebration--as it continues! Mwah! Kay

    1. Love to you Kay. Thanks for the sweet words. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, Russ and yours.

  9. Great idea! I love to upcycle! Enjoyed your family photos. Happy Chanukah, Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks Lucy. Have a wonderful year end and start to 2015. xx

  10. These are fabulous - love the project AND the quote - and wouldn't you know it, I have an Altered Shoes board on Pinterest and these babies are going right up! Happy Hanukah and Happy New Year to you and yours!

    1. Thanks so much. I'm honored that you "pinned" me! Have a wonderful year and and beginning. xx

  11. What a beautiful post. Filled with inspiration on so many levels. Your lovely spirit shines. I wish you so much happiness this season. Gorgeous pic of you and your guy and your parents look amazing <3

    1. Many thanks KP. Have a wonderful rest of the holidays and look forward to speaking again soon.xx

  12. LOVE your did I miss this post? So cool and all the processes to make it. Happy New Year!!!


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