
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Artsy and Stitchy Holiday Gifts

Tonight marks the first night of Hanukkah, and I wanted to share with you some more handmade gifts I made.  These are for my daughters and nieces.

They are small journals and little gift card and makeup holders, made mostly with fabric I stenciled myself using my stencils from Stencil Girl, and Uplifting Words Stencil by Carolyn Dube .  

I never would have made these had I not taken an amazing class at Art is You with Kecia Deveney and Linda Willis.  Linda has a terrific article in Cloth Paper Scissors this month with a tutorial for making these fun pieces.  Check it out!

Here's a pic from our last Hanukkah - as you can see - we celebrate everything!

I had a great group of women over on Sunday for my monthly Meetup class, stenciling and stitching fabric and making book covers and prayer flags.  It's so relaxing to sew in a community, and I am always so inspired to see how unique everyone's projects are.

Are you making handmade gifts for the holidays this year?  If so, please share about them, or share a link in your comments.  I'd love to see!

Auction Update:  We netted over $2200 for Pastoralist Child Foundation in our "Artists Give Back" auction.  Thank you to everyone who participated, donated, and helped us get the word out!

As we head into the darkest nights, and celebrate with festivals of light, I send out a heartfelt wish that all who are suffering feel moments of happiness and freedom, and that, someday, may all beings be free. 

My Meditation Altar
Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

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  1. Lovely little gifts. I'd love to take a class with Kecia.

    1. She's a wonderful instructor Jo. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Sweet gifts. I love "be magic". xox

    1. That's my fave too. xx to you, magical friend.

  3. These are lovely gifts, Jessica - those recipients are truly lucky! Delighted to hear that you did so well with your fund-raiser. I am always uplifted by the generosity of people in general, and artists specifically, when it comes to sharing and caring.

    1. Thank you! Yes, it is a terrific community we are in. xx

  4. What sweet gifts. You are such a source of inspiration. I always look forward to reading your blog and I love your videos.
    I wish you a Happy Hanukkah and a joyous holiday season.

  5. these gifts are so delightful Jessica! I love that your home is a loving combination of religions and spirituality. Your meditation altar is wonderful! Congrats on the great sales at the art auction. I so wanted to be a part of it but suddenly I became inundated with care giving issues, along with a job loss for our son, a changing work shift for hubby , and a slew of paperwork for all of those circumstances. A very busy time but glad I can be there for my family.

  6. A couple of holiday gifts I made or am making to give this year... and

  7. These are lovely! I bet all the girls are delighted. Wishing you and yours a very Happy Hanukah. Congratulations on the auction fundraising!!

  8. these are lovely-- I always thought I would love to learn how to make my own paint brush case.... the one I have is so boring.

  9. To me, nothin' says lovin' like handmade! These gifts will be cherished by all the girls, I know. As you begin your Hanukkah and I prepare for Christmas, may the joys of each of us transcend our differences! I cherish your friendship, Jessica. Namaste!

  10. I'm with Kay!! handmade gifts are always the best in my book- the time and care that you put into beautiful pieces- who would not be happy to receive one!! (I know I would!) heehee
    ~All good things~ xo


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