
Friday, January 9, 2015

January Stencil Club

I'm on the Stencil Girl Talk blog today with lots of step out photos showing how I made this little shrine using stencils from January Stencil Club.  

The substrate is an old drawer that I purchased at Art is You two years ago.   I love how it looks as part of my home altar. 

I hope you'll hop over and take a look at how the January Stencil Club Stencils inspired me.

Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

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  1. Such a perfect addition to your altar space. xox

    1. Thank you Corrine. I do love how it came out.

  2. Jessica! What a cool make with that drawer! I love how you used your stencils in this project and the key is a great embellishment too!! Love your alter space- so calming! xo

  3. I got the other drawer..hmmm. Love this spiritual alter. Such peace.

    1. Judy - I felt a little guilty using it without you!

  4. Beautiful Jessica. Everything you make has such a calming effect. I love it.

    1. Thank you Claudine. Wish I felt that calm always!

  5. Hi Jessica! After a rough time, I'm slowly getting back on my feet and am back creating and blogging/visiting blogs again.Yay! I really missed visiting blogs and I hope to catch up with it in 2015. It's good to see my 'old familiar and fave art creaters are all here still... and you are one of them! love your latest work. You go girl!!

    1. Hi Marit - thank you so much for stopping by. I hope all is well with you. XO

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.


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