
Monday, September 29, 2014

When Inspiration Doesn't Strike

What do you do when you're a full-time working artist with a bit of "painter's block"?  

Go to your stash of art books (I know you have them) and pick one.  

Today, when I was blocked about what to do, I closed my eyes and picked one of the many books on my shelf- and it happened to be Mary Beth Shaw's fabulous book, Stencil Girl!

This was pretty serendipitous; recently, Stencil Girl hosted a blog hop and members of the creative team did projects inspired by Mary Beth's book.  There's some amazing inspiration in that hop, so if you didn't check it out, I highly recommend it.

I closed my eyes again, and opened the book to this spread:  Unmask That Paper Doll

I had this photograph on my work table, which popped to my attention, and led me to create a chain of paper houses, instead of paper dolls.  But other than that, I started off following Mary Beth's instructions by creating a collage and covering it with gesso.

I added color with my Medallions and Flowers, Hearts and More stencils, and then placed my paper house chain and glazed color around it.

I decided to create another row of smaller houses behind the first row using the same process.

Here's how it looks with shadowing and glazing.  I also used created a stencil from some of the paper remnants, so I could add some houses behind.

Then my muse took over, and the canvas took on a life of its own, and my own hand became more apparent.

Once it said "done," I added some text and the photograph.

Thank you Mary Beth for writing such a terrific book with such wonderful inspiration!

"Home is Where Love Lives" is available as a print on paper or on canvas at Society 6.  I hope you'll think of me if you need a house blessing for yourself or as a gift.

Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

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  1. That's a great idea, I'm sure we all have plenty of books to get the spark going. I love the way the inner creativity finally took over and you made it your own.

    1. I think I'm going to try doing this at least once every other week - pull out a book and see what happens!

  2. Wow! I hope I get stuck and then un-stuck like that! Fab! Jessica! I really love how this turned out- and the photo is perfect with the houses! ")

  3. Jessica I'm a little confused am I signed up for a class with you at Art is

  4. Hi Jessica! Your page is gorgeous! It's so fun to see your process - love how it turned out!

  5. Comforting to know that even my mentors get stuck from time to time! A great place to find a bit of inspiration and an even better outcome! Love that photo!

  6. Perfect, lovely seeing your process. xox

  7. Wonderful result - really love this. The hearts are so cute.

  8. That worked! Books are my inspiration too. I have only to pick one up and browse, then the ideas start flowing. Well done!

  9. Using our books..... that's a great idea! Love what you came up with too, from yours.

  10. Yes, I do have a stash of books. Thanks for the suggestion on how to make the most of such abundance!


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