
Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Doodling a Face Using the Ganesh Stencil

After taking Dina's workshop, I made a commitment to myself to step out of my zone and try some new things.  
Do you get in a creative pattern of always starting your pieces the same way, using the same supplies and color families?  I do.

So I decided to pull out my inks and do some dripping - something I don't do too often.  I also wanted to doodle with my stencils - something that Michael Trent has elevated to a sublime art form!  (And he's teaching at the Ink Pad on October 25 and 27!)

I had the Ganesha Deity stencil on my table.  It looks like this:  

Using my favorite black pen, I traced one of the eyes, and then repositioned the stencil to trace the other eye.  I traced the leaves at the bottom of the stencil to make the hair.  For her centerpiece, I used the 1/2 flower on Ganesha's right shoulder, and then flipped the stencil to create the rest of the flower. I freehanded the nose, mouth and chin.

I took a deep breath and sprayed ink on the top of the page and let it drip down.  I misted with water and dripped some more...
 I turned the page sideways and did more spraying and dripping.

I pulled out my Neocolor II crayons (which we used in Dina's class as well and so I was reminded to use them again), and dipped the ones I wanted to use in water.  I rubbed my brush on them to get the vibrant color I wanted, and started playing with paint.

 Sometimes we need to go a little wild before being tamed!

Look at your stencils in new ways whenever you can.  Even I find it hard to remember that this art journal page came from a stencil of an elephant god!

For more ideas of going "outside the box" with your stencils, visit Stencil Girl Talk.  There are great ideas every day!

For those of you who have been following my moving adventures, here's a peek at three rooms in my house - I am loving all the light!

Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

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  1. oh she is wonderful Jessica!!! I love how you allowed the freedom of the drips across that beautiful portrait and the way you pulled out parts of your stencil. Your home looks really lovely!

  2. Wow, I like your style! The drips add so much to the feeling. And I love how you used different parts of the stencil in new ways. Just so creative! And the house looks wonderful.

  3. wow, she is a stunner. So glad the new home is making your family happy. I can't wait to move into ours. Up painting there again today.....hope I have an arm left for Art Is...xox

  4. Well, my friend, you always seem to make a gem no matter what you do. It's all in your heart.

  5. What a great idea to doodle the face(or surroundings) she is beautiful Jessica! so glad you shared how you created her! xo
    and your new home looks so warm and comfy-I'll have to come for tea one day! ")

  6. I really love this piece, Jessica! I am actually a huge "drip" fan, so that's likely why. At each step you took, I went back to the stencil so that I could follow along. Amazing use of this stencil to create something completely different! Each time I use one of my stencils in a new way, I figure the cost of my initial investment goes down! :-) Thanks for sharing the photos of the living spaces in your new home, too! I love seeing them!

  7. She's dreamy. Love the mix of color and white space.

  8. I love how you did this. Great work! and your house looks very inviting .....


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