
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Art Journaling with Dina Wakley

Before getting to my post, I want to wish everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year! May your year ahead be filled with sweetness and many blessings.

Recently, I attended a wonderful class at The Ink Pad given by Dina Wakley.

Do you know Dina?  She is an artist, author, and designer of stencils, paints, brushes and more for Ranger.  She is also a wonderful teacher - puts you at ease immediately with her encouraging delivery.  Her default response to any question is "the answer is yes!"

I was lucky to share this class with Marjie Kemper, who recently blogged about her experience in class here.

The class was called "Beyond the Ink Pad" and was about using your stamps as first layers, so that they come through your background and become part of the story that your focal images are telling.  I often use stamps in my work, but after this class, I will definitely be using them more.  As always, it was amazing to see how different all of our pages came out, though we all followed Dina's instructions and techniques.

Of course, I couldn't resist adding my Stencil Girl stencils to the mix... above you can see my Medieval Leaves stencil interacting with Pam Carriker's beautiful Ophelia face stamp.  

In the background, you can see the top of Ganesha's head from the Ganesh Deity Stencil.

And in the foreground are elements from the Squares and Circles Stencil interacting with the Dress Form stamp from Tim Holtz.  

I love being a student!  I always learn precious nuggets to take away and incorporate into my art.

And now to announce the winner of my calendar giveaway!!

For those who wish to purchase a copy, it's available on Amazon with free shipping! 

Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

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  1. Oh Jessica! how cool to have had a class with Dina! I hear she really is awesome to learn from! And you got to share it with Marjie- well that's even better!!
    I love your gals you paint- I can recognize your style when I see one! xo

  2. Your class sounds fabulous - the results certainly are! I love your New Years Blessing too...wonderful colour!

  3. Fun. I still love all your stencils and those leaves were the first stencil I got....seems like a millionaire n years ans how many stencils later??? xox

  4. I took one class with Dina and I loved it. I filled in for someone that couldn't go.. so I was fortunate. Your class sounds great and I love that you went with Marjie AND how you incorporated your stencils in there. LOVERLEE.

  5. First, congratulations to lucky Amy! Thank you for the beautiful New Year greeting, Jessica! All your work here is stunning. I have not yet taken a class with Dina, but have her new range of tube paints and love them! Great fun to take a class with Marjie, too!

  6. Many thanks! I've already got a spot picked out for it on my Playroom wall. Blessings in the New Year to you all, xoxo.

  7. How lucky you are to live so close to The Ink Pad and be able to take and teach classes there! Love Dina's style -great job on your pages.And a happy new year to you and yours!

  8. Happy New year! That was a great day. And you're right about how differently everyone made pages even with the same instructions. Love that!


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