
Monday, September 15, 2014

Feed Your Hopes and Starve Your Fears

The word up at One Little Word is "Fear."

We all have fears.  I once was:

Afraid to put my art out there...
Afraid my work wasn't good enough...
Afraid that I needed more formal training to call myself "artist"...
Afraid to make videos of creating art...
Afraid to apply to teach art...
Afraid no one would sign up for my classes...

Fear can paralyze.  There is nothing better than busting fear than taking a chance.

Nothing will shrink your fear more than honoring and feeding your hopes and dreams.  You just have to do it.

The background of this tag was done using my Hearts, Flowers & More stencil from Stencil Girl.  Lord Shiva is from my Shiva stencil.   They started out looking like this:

Here's a video of an art journal page fast forward using the Shiva Stencil.   You can also watch Shiva Art Journal Page on YouTube here.

Create something around the word "Fear" and link it up at One Little Word.  We would all love to see what you create.

Today is the VERY LAST DAY to register for Art is You Retreats.  If you've ever feared going on an art retreat - if you feared you might not know anyone; you don't have a roommate; or have not registered out of fear of the unknown, JUST DO IT.  You will feel embraced and loved and nurtured.  I'm teaching two workshops, and every workshop is just an amazing opportunity for self discovery, making new friends, and having a great time!

Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

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  1. Love the BE fearless one and the message!
    It is so cool!!!!

  2. The message certainly resonates with me. Lovely, colourful images.

  3. Loved your artpiece! Wonderful message as well!

  4. Great tag Jessica-so full of color- and I re watched the video- this message speaks to me also!! thank you! xoxo

  5. GORGEOUS ART - Jessica! Thank you so much for sharing!off to watch the video!

  6. Love these tags, Jessica, and what a terrific message! And your Shiva page is electrifying colour.

  7. Love the tags and as always a most thoughtful message. xox


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