
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Home is Where the Hamsa Is

I was so excited to teach my first Meetup class in my new studio.  I wasn't sure how the space would work out, but it was splendid!  The subject of the class was home blessings using the Hamsa Stencil from Stencil Girl.

You can read all about the symbolism of the Hamsa here, and see step out photos for how I created these Hamsa Canvases on the Stencil Girl Talk blog here.  

Here are my fantastic students playing with the Hamsa Stencil and other stencils from Stencil Girl.  Each of their canvases came out so beautifully!

A big thank you to ace photographer Samy Cordero for capturing all the smiles and mark making!
Giveaway:  Do you want to play with the Five Hamsas Stencil?  If so, please leave a comment below with your email address as I am giving one away!  

Congratulations to Rebecca Tilinski who is the winner of the charm giveaway from this post. 

I have classes scheduled through my Meetup Group once a month through December.  And next up, I'll be teaching at the fabulous Art is You Mixed Media Retreat in Stamford, CT, in just a few weeks. I hope to see you soon!

Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

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  1. I'd love to play with the 5 Hamsas stencil, of course! It's been in my wishlist for a while now!

  2. I am happy to see all that same wonderful creativity in your new space Jessica!! Great canvases made by everyone! Of course I would LOVE to win this stencil to use in my art-I see many possibilities:)

  3. These stencils are awesome!
    I wish I had been; was in that class!
    Thank you for the chance to win them!

  4. Glad you are up and running and back teaching again. Great smiles on those faces. Way to go Samy. xox

  5. Wish I was there! :D I love the creativity of all the ladies. Great job!

  6. I love your class results and sample. I don't need to be in give away as I have the stencil and loce ut,

  7. I'm amazed you got your studio up and running so soon after the move - way to go! Your class looks great and all the individual artwork is inspiring.

  8. I love the Hamas stencils ! If I am unlucky and don't win - I'll just have to purchase them along with the other 10 or 20 stencils in my cart on StencilGirl! These Hamas are lovely though

  9. It looks like a delightful day, Jessica. I think if I lived closer, we could get in trouble. You are such an inspiration and I'm sure these ladies felt that too.

  10. One of the reasons I follow your work, aside frorm the richness of color and composition, is how easily you incorporate our spiritual well being into your artwork. I would be so delighted to win a Hamsa stencil. I never win giveaways so this would be a first!LOL! Thanks Jessica for always inspiring us.

  11. Hey Jessica....looks like your stencil has really inspired these ladies. Maybe it will inspire me too? com)

  12. Oh, this girl would sure love to win that bling:) I think they would become my favorites!!! Thanks for sharing yourself and your talent.

  13. Oh my gosh Jessica! It might feel so awesome to have these women in your new studio , sharing your love of creating and watching them be inspired! by it all! If I lived closer, I'd be a your weekly meetup!!
    The gals all created lovely canvas with the Hamsas! and thank you Samy for the great shots!

  14. The class photos are wonderful. Everyone looks so happy!

    I would so love to win the Hamsa stencil.


If you are entering a GIVEAWAY, please add your email address in the event we need to contact you.

To avoid SPAM, please write it like this:

jessicasporndesigns (at) gmail (dot) com

Thank You!