
Thursday, September 11, 2014

Charmed, I'm Sure! (And a Giveaway!)

It is the custom at Art is You to bring small pieces of your art to give away or trade.  ATCs (Artist Trading Cards), altered spools and curtain rings, miniature hand made books - these are just some of the creative and beautiful things I've received at Art is You retreats.

This year, Salliane and Ellen, the super hero leaders of AIY, encouraged us to make charms.  At first, I didn't know what I would do, but then I remembered shrink plastic!
Using my Hamsas, Teacups, Namaste and Flowers, Pomegranates and Leaves stencils from Stencil Girl, I stenciled images onto Shrink Plastic.  (I also used up a lot of #6 plastic containers that I had.  We have to bring these to a special place to recycle them, and I was thrilled to find out that they shrink just like the "special" shrink dink plastic!)

See the big Hamsa on the right?  Once you heat it, it shrinks to the size of the ones on the left!  Just like magic!

This became completely addicting!

It's been very meditative to tie these little charms up with ribbon to my business cards, and attach buttons and other ephemera that I've been saving.

I have lots of these tucked into the altered book storage box that I made last week just for Art is You!

GIVEAWAY:  I made a bunch of extra charms -- if you are NOT going to Art is You because of distance or some other reason, and would like the chance to win one of these charms, leave your email address in your comment below and I will pick some random winners by the end of the day on Sunday, 9/14!

Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

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  1. How clever. I don't know what #6 plastic containers are but I look for them.

    1. Thank you! #6 plastic is used for the containers at salad bars. Often if you buy croissants or muffins in the supermarket, the "clamshell" plastic they come in is marked #6 on the bottom!

  2. What sweet little charms Jessica!! The teacups and Hamsa are so Jessica! Your signature pieces- I love them!
    I had to comment on your charms and I will see you there so,leave my name off the drawing,- xoxo

  3. Gorgeous!
    I won't be coming all the way from England so I'd love to win one of your charms!!

  4. Most perfect. My trades are done, but I needed to create something I could have moo print because I just don't have the time to do 50+ of anything right now....xox

  5. I'm so excited to take your treasured keepsake book class in Stamford. I've made charms for the swap. May I please swap with you? I would LOVE to have one of your charms! <3

    1. Absolutely Amy! I look forward to meeting you.

  6. I just attended the AIY spectacular in Queensland, Australia. Sadly, the availability of funds won't allow me to travel to the US to attend. But I live in hope!

  7. I had not thought of shrink plastic for years. I think I still have some in my stash, but will look for #6 containers also. Great way to recycle. Your charms are truly charming. Your business cards are such a work of art as well. Please share photos of the retreat when you return. It sounds wonderful.

  8. Such great charms. I went to Art Is You here in Australia and was amazed by the variety of wonderful stuff people brought to giveaway. I didn't see any shrink plastic tho'. My contribution was bookmark 'books'. Handy for jotting down notes when you are reading.

  9. It would be wonderful to be at Art Is You...but winning the charms would be a lovely second choice! Your art motivates me, and your generosity always...

    1. Thanks Rebecca - YOU ARE THE WINNER! Emailing you for your address.

  10. How delightful! I am getting ready to make my charms. I haven't take a class with you (yet) Jessica, but we have met before. This year, my girlfriend is going to her first ever Art-is-You retreat. She loves my art journal- so when she saw your Thursday class online she asked if I thought it would be a good fit for her. I responded absolutely yes- I think the project is beautiful and that you are a lovely person and a seasoned artist and instructor. She's in Jodi's class on Friday that I have taken so I know she'll enjoy that as well. I'll make sure to stop by and introduce myself and swap charms. Save a teacup for me! I'll be there Wednesday lunch time. xo

  11. This is just a clever and crafty project! I love it! Those charms are.....charming! Would love to win one! Thanks for the opportunity!

  12. What delightful fun, Jessica - these are really sweet!

  13. Not sure if my previous comment got through. I love your shrink art pieces. How did you colour them? I have some shrink plastic and would love to try this. Can you tell us what you used to colour them? Silks, H20's?

    1. Hi Diana - I stenciled them with acrylic paint. Easy to do and it shrinks up with the plastic!

    2. I did one with a bird die, ands sprayed Izinks on the plastic before baking and then used the Wink of Stella pens after- showed it to a couple of friends and they thought it was terrific. We have a monthly demo and make and takes, and take turns doing the teaching. This is what they want to learn next I am going to try it with H20's and also with Silks and see what happens. Thanks for letting me know what you used...

  14. Forgot to say, please enter me in the giveaway.
    Diana Ramsey

  15. Jessica, Those are great as is your altered book. Id love to learn the technique.
    Please enter me in the giveaway also.

  16. I LOVE the Hamsa charms! I'd hang it in my studio in front of my desk. That's where I hang little inspirational items from the edge of a shelf.

  17. What cute charms! Would love to win one. Making them looks like fun. Must find my shrink plastic. Would love to go to Art is You, but I am the sole live-in caretaker for my elderly, disabled mother. Traveling isn't in the cards right now. I am going to make some charms and a niche book to store them in though. Thank you for the inspiration.

  18. Everyone will love these - so colorful and bright!

  19. I'm on the lookout now for #6 plastics! Your charms are charming indeed!


If you are entering a GIVEAWAY, please add your email address in the event we need to contact you.

To avoid SPAM, please write it like this:

jessicasporndesigns (at) gmail (dot) com

Thank You!