
Thursday, September 4, 2014

Art is the Key that Unlocks All Doors

Art is You - an Art Retreat near and dear to my heart - is just a month away, and the sign-up deadline is only days away - September 15 to be exact.   I'm so looking forward to seeing old friends, putting faces and voices to blog friends, and making new friends.

One of the cool things about Art is You (and there are many) is that people bring all sorts of things to giveaway and trade - charms, artist trading cards, bits of ephemera.  So I decided to make a special container and journal for my trades, using the altered book technique I'll be teaching in "Altered Book Memory Keeper."

I used an old book I purchased in a consignment store in the Czech Republic.  I love the spirit of friendship on the front cover - which is one of the best things about Art is You.

I created a deep niche inside the book for storing ATCs and charms, and used the book pages I cut out to decoupage the interior.

Using my Garden Flowers and Leaves stencil from Stencil Girl Products, I decorated the front and back covers.

I glazed the inside and added branches and fruit motifs from the Medallions and Apples & Pomegranates stencils.

The phrase "Art is the key that unlocks all doors" came to me as I thought about all the doors that Art is You Retreats have unlocked for me.  Personal, professional - my experiences at 3 Art-is-You Retreats have been transforming (you can read about my prior Art is You experiences here.).

I used the Doors & Windows stencil to illustrate this sentiment, and glazed the cover with techniques I will be teaching in "The Sky's the Limit" class.

On the inside of the book, I added one of the beautiful name badges that Ellen Legare made for all the participants at one of the retreats.  I inserted one of the images from the book inside the niche.  I can't wait to fill up the niche with lots of Art-is-You goodies and journaling of my experience!

Will you be coming to Art is You?  Which classes are you taking?  In addition to teaching, I look forward to taking workshops with Andrea DeMeng, Diana Trout, Marjie Kemper, Kecia Deveney and Linda Willis.  If only I had a time turner and could take more classes during the time available.... Ah well!

Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

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  1. WOW! That's awesome. I just did the four day Art Is You in Queensland. What a treat to meet such wonderful people AND learn stuff. Love all the bits and pieces you collect and swap.

  2. A great piece, Jessica, and that sentiment is so full of truth, isn't it? I will be in your "The Sky's the Limit" class! Also taking classes from Seth Apter, Pam Carriker, Jodi Ohl and Sue Pelletier. I have already taken an online class with Carolyn Dube and, more recently, a in-person class with Marjie Kemper. They are both great instructors and I would highly recommend both of them! See you in Stamford!

  3. Jessica, What a cool idea to gather your treasures in!!
    I am sooo looking forward to this wonderful Art Is You in Stamford! Everything I have discovered about it so far- is just so exciting and fills me with anticipation!! Especially meeting you and taking your class!! ") See you soon xo

  4. I would love to come but NZ is a bit too far away! Except for Art Collage I have never taken classes as there never seem to be any in my neck of woods and online are too expensive for my pocket! Love your art though.

  5. Both look great and you know I am really looking forward to The Sky's the Limit!

  6. Love seeing your stitched name face from Ellen in this piece. SO special. xox


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