
Monday, July 28, 2014

Using Parts of Stencils - a Tutorial

Here is the evolution of two art journal pages in which I used the Hindu Deity Stencils without actually creating the deities!

In this first example, I made a random collage in my altered book journal with punches from the newsprint that is on my table.  I use it to dab off my cosmetic sponge before I stencil, and then I have all these crazy colored pieces!  The blue dots are from a scrap of book page on which I had cleaned off my gelli plate!

Using mostly the Ganesh Stencil, I used Sakura Gel Pens to trace some of the elements in the white spaces between the collage.  Can you pick out which pieces I used?  (Check out this blogpost for more examples of how I used the Ganesh Stencil.)

I glazed the whole page with Golden Fluid Acrylics and glazing medium.

I created two silhouettes from magazine ads and laminate paper, two create to profiles.  Then I used dark and light glazes to accentuate them.  I added bubbles from the Bubbles Girl Stencil to the top of the page, and glazed inside and outside the bubbles.   (For more examples of Bubbles Girl, check out this blog hop with lots of amazing artists using this stencil.)

I added some text in my own handwriting and from a Stampers Anonymous Stamp.  I love how the collage and stenciled elements add mystery and intrigue.

This next example has no collage -- just paint!  I started with a page in my "brayer off" book -- this is a blank book in which I clean my brayers when gelli printing.

After a bunch of stenciling using elements from the Hindu Deity Stencils and my Namaste Stencil, plus some overglazing and freehand flower sketching, my page looked like this:  

Can you see the faces of Krishna and Shiva peeking through?  More glazing, more painting....

 Then I used elements of the Ganesh Stencil to create leaves and patterns in some of the flowers:

I added the word "Namaste" to the top.  I expect I will eventually add some journaling in the white areas, but for now, here it is!  (To see lots of examples of how I used the Namaste stencil, jump to this blog post.)   Linking this one very belatedly to Art-Journal-Journey - where the monthly them is/was flowers!

Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

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  1. Oh Jessica! Both pages are stunning... wow!
    You are such a great artist with an unique and amazing style!

    Thank you so much for joining Art Journal Journey!

    1. thanks so much Susi! Better late than never to join AJJ!

  2. FABULOUS colours. Love the way your stencils are so versatile.

  3. Love these stencils and the work you are doing with them. Just recently completed a canvas using a freehand image of Ganesh and stencils ( Love your work and tutorials!

  4. These pieces are delightful, Jessica - thanks for sharing the process, too!

  5. Jessica, I really love how you incorporate so many stencils into one project- always so beautiful and inspiring!

  6. This is right up my alley. So beautiful and vibrant... I love the one with the silhouettes and bubbles. Off to pin.


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