
Sunday, July 27, 2014

The Ganesh Stencil from Stencil Girl Products

The Ganesh Stencil from Stencil Girl Products depicts one of the most playful, fun deities in the Hindu Pantheon.  He is the son of Lord Shiva and the Goddess Parvati.  He is depicted with an elephant head, which symbolizes the soul or the ultimate supreme reality of human existence, and a huge, pot-bellied human body, which symbolizes our earthly existence.  In short, he symbolizes the duality of human nature - our ability to connect with our divine essence, while being tethered to this earth.  He is the remover of obstacles and is also worshiped as the god of education, knowledge, wisdom and wealth.   (Although there are different deities in Hinduism, they are all aspects of the one great, unknowable, creator - Brahman.)  Everything he is holding and sitting on is symbolic, and you can read more about it here! 

Here's a chant about Ganesh, if you'd like to listen to it while reading this post!

One of the first projects I created with this stencil was a T-Shirt for my husband - who certainly removes lots of obstacles in my life!

I placed a cutting mat under his shirt and then placed the stencil on top.

I cut a cosmetic sponge into small pieces, and used acrylic paint to stencil through it.

I used words from Carolyn Dube's Words to Live By stencil to add the phrase: Be Bold, Be You!  I then heat set it by putting it in the dryer on the hottest setting for 20 minutes.  Even after several washings, the color stayed strong! 

Freddie said he could have done without the flowers, but I think he's man enough for them!

To use up some of the extra paint, I started stenciling just some of the components from the Ganesh Stencil into my art journal.  They reminded me of butterflies. 

So I went with it.  I think the Ganesh stencil made lovely butterflies!


I wanted an entire Ganesh in my art journal.  So I took a page in which I had brayered off paint from my gelli plate, and stenciled the entire figure.  Then I surrounded it with black so the elements would pop out.

 Some more detailing, and there he sits, beaming wisdom out to me.

I hope this post gives you some inspiration to try the Ganesh Stencil!

Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

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  1. Freddie looks so handsome in his Ganesh tee. Even with flowers! I love this stencil. Elephants are such special beings and I think that is one of the things that draws me to Ganesh. Your examples are wonderful.

  2. Jessica, how funny! when I first saw the t-shirt- I thought, hmmm what does Freddie think of those flowers? and then you told us! heehee Tell Freddie he looks very handsome and manly posing in his shirt! ")
    Another great stencil with so many uses- great job Jessica! Your art is always so inspiring! I never would have seen those butterflies!
    and I love the chant/song you put up- I'm listening to it over and over- great words and love the beat!

  3. Very nice t-shirt he must have an artists soul too!! Looks great on him!

    Hugs Giggles

  4. Ganesh is my favourite deity....must be the elephant head. Freddie is definitely man enough!

  5. Need all the obstacle removing I can get. Cute shirt for Freddie, he looks quite pleased. xox

  6. These stencils are great!! You also have the best models!

  7. If anyone can pull off that shirt, it's Freddie. You didn't even use fabric paint? Pretty good that you could still wash it. I love those butterflies. Wow.

  8. What a great shirt - and he certainly looks like he pulls it off well. :D

  9. Your worldly travels definitely impact your that! This is too cool, and the fact that you created butterflies from it is amazing!

  10. So colorful and fun - and what a handsome model!


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