
Friday, March 21, 2014

Love Comes In, Love Goes Out - Art Journal Exploration.

Lately, a particular girl has been popping up in my art journaling....

She was seen "Longing for Love" in this post:
and Finding Calm:
She's definitely been searching, doing a lot of thinking and exploring both her inner and outer worlds.   She took quite a journey in my most recent art journal page.  It started out with gesso over Terri Stegmiller's Curvy Stems stencil in my altered book journal.  For a while I thought this page would be about this goose, which was the photo over which I gessoed! 

Even after I wiped green and yellow fluid acrylics over it, I still though it might be about the goose.  But then, I came home from a wonderful yoga class and post yoga tea and chat with Marcie Wallace, feeling so open to receiving the love in the universe, and so able to radiate that love right back out.  (Yoga can do that to you!)

So I quickly sketched this:

Then stencils came into play.  I used Six Point Starry Night to add stars to the sky, and Judy's Trees to add foliage to the earth.  I painted in a big yellow moon.

I used Michelle Ward's Circle Rays stencil to show the energy coming out of her heart.  (I mixed Zinc White fluid acrylic and aztec gold mica powder to make the rays very sheer.)  I wanted hearts coming to and going from her heart, and I had left on my table some motifs from my Flowers, Pomegranates and Leaves  project from Stencil Girl's newest release, which I posted about here.   (No scrap left behind!)

Some journaling..."I will open my arms wide and collect all the love the universe has to offer me and hug it into my heart and then offer it right back."

I hope you have a beautiful weekend planned!

Don't forget that there is still time to be eligible for a giveaway of one of these tags by commenting on "Flowers, Pomegranates and Stencils."  Three of my last four posts have had video demos, just in case you missed them!  And if you haven't yet, grab a free download of my art just for signing up to my monthly newsletter.  Each month I send out another free download for your personal use!

Linking to Paint Party Friday, as I've definitely been hanging out in my Artist's Play Room being Creative Every Day in my Art Journal Every Day!

Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

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  1. Looks as if she had finally found the source of love and light within herself. Very touching, so true and beautiful!

    Claudia x

  2. I love the sentiment here which reflects in her openness and the expression on her face. Beautiful art.

  3. I love her. I wish I was open for all in my life. I need to learn to be more free. Thank you.

  4. This is beauuuuutiful! 300000 hearts! Love love love everything about it! Patsy

  5. How cute! I love her...she should be in children's book?

    Happy Paint Party Friday!

  6. Wonderful primitive feel to this work, very engaging!

  7. Beautifully constructed Jessica. Happy PPF, Annette x

  8. I was going to say that the girl with the dandelions was my favorite, till I saw the one with the heart and the rays coming out. Wow! So nice.

  9. From goose to girl- how fun! I love how you go with the flow instead of being locked into your initial idea.

  10. I love seeing all the layers as your painting came together! Marvelous! Happy PPF!

  11. Love those rays you used to show the love. And so interesting that the same girl keeps coming back to you. Thnx for your comment on my post. Couldn't mail you back since you're a noreplycomment-blogger (did you know that?) My painting is for sale, so if you're interested just shoot me an email. Thanks!

  12. Oh Jessica, with each paragraph and photo my smile got bigger and bigger till I started tearing up with the joy I felt from your post!! thank you so much for sharing with us! A most beautiful gift of love! hugs -Jackie

  13. Jessica I just love this Character....she needs a name since she seems to be here to stay. I have a feeling she has a few children's stories in her! Maybe ones of encouragement! Her expression is different every time...and she is definitely unique to you! She obviously has a message of love and joy! Wonderful work and thanks for sharing your process!

    Hugs Giggles

  14. Such a beautiful girl! Love the fabulous colors and patterns around her. :)

  15. Lovely work Jessica.Love the colours and design elements you incorporated into your painting, makes it vibrant and full of life.
    Annabelle m..m

  16. The girl inside is moving out to the world. She's lovely. xox

  17. beautiful art journal, is fantastic!!!

  18. I love this piece and the process! Such a fun new direction she led you in! .... she does need a name!

  19. This work says so much. Thank you for the comments on what you used to make it come alive. Blessings, Janet PPF

  20. Oh my gosh the rays coming out of her heart are mesmerizing! Love this on SO many levels. Gorgeous!

  21. I love the story telling of her adventures through your art! She is gorgeous is all of these, but the rays springing forth from her heart with her hands in the air, really makes this a spiritual piece for me! LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!

  22. I love your art!
    Every piece tells a story - and the girl with the heart is beautiful!
    Thanks for sharing.


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