
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

New Stencil Alert: Flowers, Pomegranates and Leaves


I'm so excited to have a new stencil released today!  It's called Flowers, Pomegranates and Leaves, and it is near and dear to my heart because it taps into multicultural religious and historical symbolism.  And as it's a "springy" pattern, I'm happy it's released the first day of Spring!  To celebrate, I'm hosting a giveaway... read on!

In the Bible, it says: "I am the rose of Sharon and the lily of the valleys."  Song of Solomon 2:1.  Some botanists believe that the rose in the scriptures really is the Tulipa sharonensis, as wild red tulips with a single bright red flower bloom in the Holy Land. (The word "tulip" comes from the Persian word "thulban" meaning "turban!")   King Solomon is said to have designed his crown based on the "crown" of the pomegranate; and the image of the fruit appeared priestly robes and on the ancient coins of Judea

You've already seen sneak peaks of this stencil in my video for my upcoming class at The Ink Pad where I used it for the woman's skirt.

Here's another project where I used Flowers, Pomegranates and Leaves to make some spring tags.

Here's a demo in which I use Flowers, Pomegranates and Leaves, as well as Scales, and Curvy Stems by Terri Stegmiller.  Enjoy!

You can also watch Flowers, Pomegranates & Leaves on You Tube!  I hope that you find lots of ideas you can use.

(And in case you missed it, my last post had a video too, of a fast forward of this art journal page, Make a Wish.)

As you see, I think this stencil is great for overall designs in your art projects, and the individual motifs are great for tags and cards. Although I haven't used it this way yet, I think it will translate really well onto fabric and with stitching.

GIVEAWAY ALERT!  I will giveaway one of the tags I made in the video to someone who comments on this post.  Let me know you follow me on my Jessica Sporn Designs facebook page for an extra chance to win.  Let me know you've "liked" the stencil on the Stencil Girl website for yet another extra chance to win.  That's 3 chances to win one of these tags which I'll happily ship worldwide. I'll announce the winner here on Sunday 9AM EST so check back!

And the winner is... 
I've already emailed Rebecca and look forward to getting her tag out to her! 

Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

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  1. I love how the colors came out on this.. Have a great day
    DIANA L.

  2. This is a great new stencil Jessica....your pattern making is always marvelous and your pomegranotes are just adorable. xox

  3. Woo hoo! Great new stencil Jessica- congratulations!! And your tags and all their color- total yummieness!! Thanks so much for the little background you gave on the flowers and fruit- I love reading and learning like this! xo Happy Spring!

  4. thanks, Jessica! love your methods and your new stencil!

  5. Love love love the addition of the pomegranates! What an awesome stencil! Your tags are uber wonderful!!!!

  6. really fabulous new stencil Jessica and I am in love with your Spring flower tags!!

  7. It may be just me but i cant get the video to play xx

    1. It's playing ok here Gill - did you try the You Tube link? And I decided to have a giveaway of one of the tags too!

  8. loving those tags and great video. x

  9. Crafty new stencil to herald the arrival of Spring, Jessica! I love how you have created your tags with the individual flowers. Clear embossing is becoming a favorite technique of mine lately, as I love the glossy look it offers!

  10. Hi Jessica! I loved the video. It was very inspiring. I love all of the personal touches you added to the tags. I have been getting your newsletter for a while now and always enjoy it. I also Liked your new stencil on StencilGirl. That should be my 3 chances to win!!!

  11. I must get this stencil ~ so many possibilities. Loved the video. You gave us a lot of tips and much inspiration! Thanks, Jessica.

  12. Jessica, of all the stamps you've done, I think this is my favourite. Its full of whimsy and fun, not to mention versatile too. I really enjoyed reading the thoughts and shared faith behind your chosen bits to the stencil. :-) Now that I think on it, I think I'm already signed up for your newsletter, but goodness knows ... short term memory issues here. LOL Was happy to visit Stencil Girls as well. (((hugs)))

  13. Love all your stencils and videos. Follow you on Face Book and visited stencil girl website. Can't figure out how to like there, but I do. Thanks for all you do.

    1. Carol, If you click on the link above to get you to Jessica's stencil on the Stencil Girl website, then look right below the stencil and you'll see a little blue box with "Like" in it--that should do it. Hope that helps.

  14. Love your stencils! I am tag crazy, and anything do with packaging and mail items. Got to have this stencil. Always buy from stencil Girls. Love their site very much!!! Thank you for your great designs.

  15. Stencil girl here! Love these beautiful tags and also appreciate you sharing your techniques with everybody.
    Thank you.

  16. What a wonderful stencil! Such eye candy with your beautiful colors!
    (ps: I keep some bricks handy to make things lay down & stick; using wax paper between the project).

  17. Love the stencil and the tags. You gave me some more great techniques to try. I have my shopping list ready! I do follow on FB and will be going to the Stencil Girl site to put a like there too. Great work Jessica! Also love the Bible lesson. :)

  18. I love how so many (perhaps all?) of your stencil designs are full of symbolism and meaning. Thanks for sharing these wonderful ideas--I take notes during your videos. I "liked" your Jessica Sporn Designs FB page and also your stencil on the Stencil Girl website. Thanks for the chance to win a tag--they are wonderful!

    1. Hi Rebecca - You won the tag! Please send your snail mail address to jessicabethsporn (at) gmail (dot) com and I will get it right out to you. Congratulations!

  19. Love anything "poddy" here! Just waiting for my tax return to place another mega SG order... Come on, IRS!

  20. I think these backgrounds are so much fun! Great new stencil.

  21. Wonderful background stensils! Valerie

  22. Using symbols really add dimension to our art! Patsy

  23. Followed you on FBI. Don't know why I hadn't done it sooner! Patsy

  24. I love the image of the pomegranates! This is a fantastic stencil. I might have to purchase it…but maybe I will get lucky….

  25. And, have just "liked/followed" you on FB. What great info too. Now I need to look into "meet up", heard about it once but didn't know what it was.

  26. These new stencils are terrific and those tags are fabulous!

  27. I always love your videos and make sure my sisters watch them too. I have a suggestion for weights when you need to flatten something. I have an old fashioned iron that was purely for decoration but it is a great size to cover a card and it's really heavy of course so it's great for straightening out warped watercolor (or embossed!) papers and also making sure items stay glued on your card or project as well.

  28. Beautiful tags and stencils!

    Thanks for sharing!
    Hugs Giggles

  29. Yes I follow you on facebook I love your whimsical flowers and the tags are just brilliant..
    popping over from your link at
    Happy PPF
    Sandy #86

  30. Liked, followed and commented - now fingers crossed too, because your tags ROCK!

  31. Love your tags, Jessica. I think I might have to succumb to the UTEE. I really like the effect. LOVE the stencil, and will be adding that to my next purchase.

  32. Love the collection and the art work is wonderful.

    Annabelle m..m

  33. I saw that stencil on the SG FB page and loved it! It's a great design :D

  34. The way you shadow around your focal points really adds so much depth to your creations! Happy PPF!

  35. I liked the first I thought ...this is a pretty stencil...and then what you actually did with it...well, that was fabulous!!!!! You made it come to life with the doodling....the tags are wonderful. Thanks for the inspiration!!!!


If you are entering a GIVEAWAY, please add your email address in the event we need to contact you.

To avoid SPAM, please write it like this:

jessicasporndesigns (at) gmail (dot) com

Thank You!