
Monday, December 30, 2013

Altered Cigar Box Tutorial

I know it's almost time for the reveal of the January stencils for Stencil Club.  (And guess what -- I'm the designer for them!)

But I wanted to sneak in a tutorial showing you a box I made for my husband using the December stencils.  I really was captivated by them, so thank you MaryBeth Shaw for your beautiful designs!

I also used my Medallions stencil from Stencil Girl.  I have to admit that I'm partial to it...

I used a cigar box, black gesso, metallic paint, acrylic paint and glazing medium, tissue paper, matte medium, and some patterned paper I had in my stash.  I was so engrossed in the process that I didn't take pictures, but here's a video. 

Best wishes for a happy and healthy New Year!  See you soon.

Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

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  1. This is really beautiful. Well done :)

  2. omg - I've loved cigar boxes since I was a pre-schooler - we lived in an apartment right under a cigar/candy store... and the owner used to give me the empty cigar boxes to keep my little treasures in... ;-) some of my boxes are over 60 years old! love your 'makeover' - might try this with one or more of mine!

  3. What a beautiful gift! I love the idea of stenciling on tissue and gluing that on. I probably could have saved myself a lot of aggravation by doing that!


  4. What a beautiful transformation! Love the stenciling on the inside cover, too.

  5. How lucky Freddie is to receive this gift from his beautiful wife. I love the way it looks deep and mysterious. What will he put in it?


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