
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Art Journal Page Using Gelli Prints and Stencils

Happy New Year one and all.  I hope you had a happy, healthy celebration and are looking forward to 2014.  I know I am!

One of the things I'm most looking forward to in 2014 is teaching at Art is You in October.  And I am excited to announce that as of January 1, registration for the 2014 Art is You Retreats is LIVE!  Check out all the amazing mixed media classes at these wonderfully supportive, nurturing retreats.

I will be teaching two classes in Stamford, CT in October on Thursday and Friday:  "Altered Book Memory Keeper," in which we will be making something like this:

and  "The Sky's the Limit; Landscapes, Skylines and Citiscapes," in which we will make something like this:

I will tell you more about my upcoming teaching adventures soon.  But in the meantime, here's a peek at my process in making an art journal page that I really love.

I have a big journal that I use to clean off my brayer when I am printing with my Gelli Plate.  I get lots of interesting patterns and pages that look something like this:

(on this one, I stenciled with the Hebrew Calligraphy and Hamsa stencil.)

These types of pages are perfect for experimenting, journaling and working out feelings you might want to keep private.  Here's what I made out of one of those pages, using a gelli print with my Hands stencil, and patterns from the Circles and Squares stencil, all from Stencil Girl Products.

"Know Your Strength" is available as a print, pillow and iphone cover on Society 6!

Here's a video of my process.  

I hope this video gave you some ideas and techniques you'd like to try!  Please share it.

And please check out all the amazing teachers and classes at Art is You this year.  I hope to meet some of you there.  I know that I want to take them all!

Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

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  1. Dear Jennifer, Happy, Happy New Year to you!!! This stencil is absolutely beautiful- I would be so happy to win it! Thank you so much....

  2. Happy New Year Jessica!
    I wish I was nearer- the classes sound fabulous!

  3. So pretty! I want to get into art journaling this year! It seems to inspire different types of ideas that I'm looking forward to experimenting with!

  4. Hi, Jessica, and Happy New Year to you and your amazing family! I am already registered to take your Friday class (The Sky's the Limit) on Friday at Art-is-You in Stamford, and am over-the-moon exited about that! I so much appreciate your video today, as it reminded me of your "water technique" in the tearing of tissue paper. You have created a beautiful page in your journal today! I love that your have given your female silhouette a brain, by using your newest stencil! Very clever. I love strong women--so glad that today's art chronicles that! Thank you for your generosity in this giveaway!! Mwah, Kay!

    1. so excited that you will be taking my class Kay! Thanks for the kind words and a big MWAH back at you!

  5. Happy New Year Jessica!! I love this page and loved the video, thanks for always being a source of inspiration!! Can you tell me where online I can buy your stencils?? I'm so excited that your giving away the "Know your strength" piece, I often have to remind myself to do this while I'm creating. Have fun at "Art Is You", wish I could be there and take yours and so many other classes!!

    1. Hi Claudia - the giveaway is just for the Namaste stencil that I used. But you can see all of my stencils here: Thanks for visiting and commenting!

  6. So happy to watch your thoughts and actions as you develop your beautiful pages. It came out wonderful. Thanks for letting us in your studio and mind.

  7. It's beautiful! Thanks for the opportunity to use Namaste.

  8. Jessica, I love the Stencil Girl blog hops. I get so much inspiration from the posts and from the artists themselves! Thanks for sharing your wonderful work and for the chance to win!

  9. I really enjoyed the video of your process along with your explanation. Thanks for the giveaway, too!

  10. Your work is so inspirational! Makes me want to hurry into the studio! Thank you for a wonderful video - and the giveaway! Even if I don't win it, I'll probably buy it.

  11. Jennifer, I love the new stencil, it kinda looks like me

  12. As always you are inspirational and kind. Thanks for the opportunity to win the new stencil and Happy New Year to you and your family!

  13. Thank you for sharing you talent and knowledge. We are all winners. May 2014 be filled with abundance in all thing. Thank you.

  14. 2014 is going to be such an exciting year! Love your art journal page! Thanks for sharing with the party!

  15. Looks fabulous! We've been playing with some of the same supplies again.

    1. It is amazing what one can do with imagination, desire and passion. The Art is You conference looks amazing! I hope you have another year filled with art adventures! Thanks for continuing to share ideas with us. I am a subscriber to your video channel on YouTube and look forward to each new video!

  16. and a Happy New Year to you!! I love all your wonderful art projects and your class looks really fabulous. All the best to you with your artistic endeavors in 2014!Love your namaste stencil :)

  17. I am so so tempted to sign up...gotta check my schedule! I would be thrilled to take both of these classes! I wish you the most blessed year in 2014! Happy New Year!

    1. Oh Anita - you should! Marjie is teaching too, along with many other wonderful artists and inspirationalists! Wouldn't that be fun. Thanks for stopping in.

  18. Beautiful journal page. I'm new to Gelli Prints (got my first plate for Christmas) and I love the idea of cleaning the brayer in a journal. Thanks for a chance to win the new stencil too. Happy New Year!

  19. I love seeing your process; I recently starting stamping on tissue paper after watching one of your videos and really like it. Thank you!

  20. I have quickly became a Gelli Print addict. Love your pages

  21. Gorgeous journal page - thanks for sharing the process!

  22. WOW! Jaw dropping gorgeous. So much inspiration came from watching this. I especially LOVE how you shade with the black paint and glazing med. Very cool. Thanks so much for this video. Was a pleasure watching it. :0)

  23. Love all of the color and images! Thanks for sharing and for the chance to win -

  24. You always have good ideas going on!
    Thanks for the "blog hop".

  25. Hi Jessica - your page is beautiful! I always get excited when I see you've recorded a new video; your art is such a source of inspiration in whatever I'm trying to do. I love the Namaste stencil that you used! I've got to have it some way or another. Happy New Year and take care.

  26. Love your art. I do the same thing when I clean off my braver.

  27. I am having trouble choosing a favourite! Great post and beautiful art. I think my favourite is actually the buildings. Thanks so much for being part of Mandarin Orange Monday this year and a Happy New Year to you!

  28. I was loving your use of color and glazing, you got such rich effects with dimension and so much pizzaz. Thanks for sharing.

  29. I have learned so much from you and your videos during the past year. This project is just beautiful. I like how you audition elements on the page. It is so inspiring. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and talent.

  30. I love your art! I hope you have a fabulous 2014, complete with lots of fun, happiness, and, of course, art-making!

  31. to thank you for this special read. I definitely savored every little bit of it and I have bookmarked you to check out new stuff you post.

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  32. Wonderful image *and* I so enjoyed witnessing your process ~ thanks so much for sharing it with us!

  33. So thrilled to have won your newest stencil, Jessica! Thank you so much!

  34. Jessica I love your videos. Thank you so much for sharing them.

  35. That oil pen looks divine. (I'll need to get one.) Enjoyed watching you create in your video. Appreciate you offering this. The page is awesome and I am off running to create in my book now! Thanks!

  36. Love it! I do the same thing with my brayer, I use sketch type paper tho, I like what your doing and maybe I'll give it a try on some heavier paper too.

  37. What a great post. Love it......

  38. I am a newbie to journaling. I really liked your video. I am in the process of placing an order for a Gelli plate and everything I will need to go with it. I am very excited about this. I am disabled and I think this along with the alcohol ink painting I have also started should keep me busy for quite a while. I will be back. You have a great blog here.


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