
Friday, December 27, 2013

Vision Board Art Party

I recently hosted an art party.  The theme was "Manifest Your Intentions;" the project was to create vision boards for 2014.  My friend Jacquie asked if I would guide it at my studio, and invited 5 of her besties to make art together.

We started by writing with our eyes closed on large canvases.  The idea was to "scribble away" anything we didn't want to bring with us into the New Year.

Then out came stencils (from Stencil Girl of course -- couldn't help a shameless plug!) - which several of the women had never used before.  The art of pouncing, the joy of overlapping images, the thrill of covering up all of those negative words and experiences.  We got giddy!

Next we collaged words, images, affirmations, found poetry, and other ephemera, that represented qualities we hoped to bring with us, or manifest, in the coming year. 

Finally, we spread paint with our fingers and paint chips to bridge the gaps and draw our canvases together. 

Crescent loved painting with her fingers.
 Jessica was initially very worried about the process, but ended up loving her canvas most of all!
 Jodie's board turned out as radiant as her smile and personality.
 Jacquie, the party organizer, used great colors and words to create her vision board.
 We all loved how Kristin's canvas looked like the sea and sky. 

Thanks Jacquie for organizing this event and asking me to guide it.  I love how everyone's boards came out, and that you all trusted me with the process.  I hope to host more parties.  Just contact me at jessicabethsporn (at) gmail (dot) com for the details!

Hope this inspires you to make your own vision board to leave behind the qualities that don't serve you, and to bring ahead, and manifest, the qualities that will serve you for the coming year!


Recently, Paint Party Friday "hosted" a tea party in honor of Tracey Fletcher King.  Here is my offering to you Tracey!

In the spirit of generosity and love that is always evident at Paint Party Friday, please feel free to download this for your personal use. 

Also, a group of us artsy types have created a group called "The Angel Project."  Let us know if you know someone struggling with cancer, loss, a divorce, or something else difficult, and some of  us will send some happy mail his or her way. 

Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

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  1. Beautiful story and Vision Boards!! Thanks for sharing:)

  2. Love those boards, that's my fave way of working on journals. Valerie

  3. Hey Jessica.. what a great party it turned out to be. Looks like you were an amazing guide. Can I sit in your pocket like a little fairy???

  4. What wonderful boards, it looks like a splendid time was had by all. I love your piece to Tracey, it is so lovely!

  5. Love it...I think those gals look incredibly happy. xox

  6. Jessica, that looks like so very much fun. The delight just beams out of those eyes!

  7. What fun! It looks like an amazing evening. Would love to have joined you. Look forward to your inspiring ideas in the New Year. Happy PPF

  8. Jessica this is so inspiring! Beautiful process and beautiful work everyone!

  9. Jessica your art group did an amazing job!! Love all their canvases!! I love your orange stripey socks that scream "I AM AN ARTIST!!!" my dear friend has a pair like yours and several other colors too!! Love them!! Love the cup you did for Tracey and the lovely quotes...beautiful loving gesture!! Happy New year dear lady!

    Hugs Giggles

  10. wonderful artgroup pieces!
    Happy New Year to you


  11. Wow!!! What a great idea for a group of friends!! I love all the work that was created!! I truly love your blog and will visit often!!

  12. What a great idea for a party. Love seeing all the beautiful creations and beaming faces of the artists. The tea cup for Tracey is charming and warming. Thanks for sharing your work.

  13. oh i wish i was there!, what part of the country are you? lol wonderful works and looks like everyone had a blast. Merry xmas and happy new year, Godbless. i have also been enjoying your videos on YT.

    1. Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you. I am in NJ. If you're anywhere nearby, I hope our paths cross soon.

  14. Wow! So lucky! Looks like you all had fun!

  15. This looks like a very happy crowd. I didn't realize you hosted the party in your studio... they must've loved being there and seeing all your gorgeous art, as well as learning how to make these boards.


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