
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Jar of Love with Stencils and Craft Attitude

This week, StencilGirl Products is blog hopping using Craft Attitude Art Film.  I'm so excited to be on day one with Mary Nasser!

You can find many exciting ideas for using this versatile film and digital art on Pinterest.  Since I don't often work with third-party collage imagery in my artwork, I decided to use my stencils without paint... in photoshop.

I created this label for a jar of hearts for Valentine's Day, but you can use this tutorial for other projects too.

To begin, I created a background using pink pastels.  This was just a little square that I repeated over and over until it filled out an 8 x 10 area.  I saved it into a file I keep on my computer, and then opened it.

I stenciled my "Hearts, Flowers and More" Design in black onto a white piece of paper to get a crisp imprint, and then scanned it into photoshop.

I digitally placed it onto my background, and inverted the design, so that the stenciled images became white against a black background.

I selected the black and deleted it, leaving only the white pattern.  I reduced the opacity a lot, until I was happy with it.  I made the design smaller, and then repeated it, flipping it in the middle.  It looked like this - pretty right?

I went through the same process with elements of the Seven Hearts Stencil.

I left the white area of the hearts much more opaque, however, and saturated the background more.

I was able to create two strips in the size I wanted for my jar, and lay them out on the dimensions of the Craft Attitude paper.  I reversed the image with the sentiment, as it will reverse again when you adhere it.

I printed out my design, trimmed it, and adhered it to a clean jar using spray adhesive.  I stenciled the Hearts, Flowers, and More onto a fabric scrap, and used another fabric scrap to tie my "bonnet" onto my jar.  It's ready to be filled with candies!

I hope this project tickled your creative fancy.  Be sure to stop by Mary Nasser's blog, and check in with Stencil Girl every day this week for links to more inspiration!

And... of course, there's an awesome giveaway!  One package of Craft Attitude film AND a $25 Stencil Girl Gift Certificate!

Make sure to comment here and on all the blogs hopping along.  All comments on each post during the hop will be entered in the giveaway. One comment per post please. The time for commenting for the giveaway ends Monday, January 26th @ 11:59PM Central Time. The winner will be posted on Stencil Girl Talk on 27th.

Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

If you don't already, please sign-up for my newsletter HERE, and follow me on FacebookPinterestBloglovin and YouTube, so that you never miss a giveaway, and always get the latest Jessica Sporn Designs News!  

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  1. Great love jar Jessica!! Don't you just love that Craft Attitude? I used it on my piece I made for the auction- I love it!
    thanks so much for commenting on CVC and always being so supportive and encouraging- you are a gem in my book Jessica! XO

    1. thank you Jackie. Honestly, initially I had a lot of trouble figuring out what to do with the Craft Attitude. But in the end, I really liked it and I'm sure I'll use it again. xx

  2. Hey JS.. LOVE LOVE LOVE is in the air. What you did here is just beautiful. Who wouldn't want a gifted jar like that?

  3. So pretty, Jessica! I love this. So wonderful to see your creative process behind this beauty, too!
    Glad to be hopping with you today! :)

    1. Thank you Mary! I loved what you did too. It was a fun challenge!

  4. Very clever and very pretty! I think I need to get back to digital art.
    deardeniseh (at) yahoo (dot com)

  5. Totally cool result Jessica. YOu are so facile on the computer. xox

    1. Thanks sweet Corrine. When I've spent a lot of time on the computer manipulating my art, I forget how to paint!

  6. Super cute project and so techie :)

  7. Oh my goodness, this is SO cool! I've been toying with ways to use my stencils digitally, but I hadn't thought of this one! And wow did it turn out great! I might have to try this myself... thanks for the inspiration!

    1. Thanks Gwen. I LOVED your project. That box was super cool.

  8. This worked wonderfully well. I have Photoshop but am not nearly as proficient as you.

    1. Hey Jo - it just takes practice. It's a good way to diversify how you use your stencils. thanks for stopping by!

  9. so pretty! and it looks so easy!!

  10. How cool to see what you have done! I would never have tried something like this!

  11. Jessica, "Hearts, Flowers & More" is a beautiful stencil! I was happy to see that you, too, are using stencils to create designs that go on thru a process of being digitally altered. Your results are gorgeous!

  12. amazing jar, and thanks for showing how do you do!

  13. Amazing digital work. I always have trouble with transparency layers in work like this, but you obviously had no problem Great way to use the stencils with the film.

  14. As always, Jessica, you amaze me with your talents. Love the jar and cannot wait to try this new product, Craft Attitude.

  15. You are SO clever! I love how you did that!

  16. This is so cute. Always love the new products too. That fabric scrap looks great!

  17. Perfect Valentine project Jessica!!!

  18. Love this look on the glass jar, really dresses it up pretty!

  19. I love how you created this project! Reversing the stencil design was brilliant and makes an amazing background. Thanks for sharing.

  20. Jessica, I can't wait for you to see what *I* did, so similar, hehehe. Like minds and all that :)

  21. very pretty thanks for sharing

  22. Replies
    1. Thank you Ansharas! The best thing is that there's unlimited love in there.

  23. Wow! What a stunning and unusual project - I love it! I am so amazed at how you have used this - it's wonderful and such a lovely and different way to use it. Thanks so much for the blog hop Karen x

  24. Love your "Attitude"! What a creative way to use this product...looks like it is a MUST TRY for all of us!

    1. Thanks Dotti. I was unfamiliar with it and it took me a bit to figure out how to use it. But when I did, I loved it.

  25. This is sweet and pretty!!! Wonderful project!!
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com

  26. Love these hops and the chance to win these great projects!

    1. Thank you Sharon. I'm so glad you stopped by.

  27. Once again you tease us to create fun and easy projects. Have to try this film!
    maryot (at) execpc (dotcom)

  28. Love the jar! She pretty and perfect. Thanks so much for the how - to! Really love the different ways to play.
    blueroseblogger (at) gmail (dot) com

  29. The jar is very pretty, but I don't do digital, any hope for me?

    1. Hi Barbara - you could do this whole project with paint and paper. Deli paper would work really well for the under-layer. Hope this helps.

  30. That is such a cute jar! I'm not sure all that digital work is in my talents, but I'm very tempted to try now!

    nonersays (at) gmail (dot com)

    1. I hope you'll give it a try! Thanks for stopping by Nona.

  31. The background is gorgeous! What a wonderful Valentine project.

  32. I'm so sorry I couldn't read your comment. But thanks for stopping by.

  33. So creative! Great technique using stencils and photoshop. Have to give this a try. Thanks for sharing!


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