
Sunday, January 18, 2015

Another Envelope Book and a Video

Do you remember the envelope book I made for my parents for Christmas?  It was featured on StencilGirl Talk.  Here's another one, using a different color palette and featuring some different stencils.  I started out using the Hearts, Flowers and More stencil with gesso on the inside of the book, and some of Pam Carriker's paints on the outside.

Here's a video showing how I used the gesso as a resist, and also how I assembled the book.  You can also watch "Creating Resists with Gesso and Paint" on Youtube.

Here are peeks at the inside pages and links to some of the other stencils and stamps I used.  This is a great way to use up old envelopes and reduce your stash!

Each of the envelopes has it's own tag, that peeks out of the pocket.  

This is the terrific pattern from Maria McGuire's Doodle-It Inchie Stencil, with one of Tim Holtz's chit chat words.  These are great stickers to have on hand, as there's a word for every sentiment and occasion!

Here's more of the "Doodle it Inchie" pattern.  Plus, I used Mary Nasser's Compass Stencil, and Pam Carriker's Borders stencil on these page.   

I love this Mary Oliver quote on a Technique Junkies' stamp.  I always stamp on tissue paper first, and then adhere to my tag or background.  I get a much better impression that way...

This awesome hand stencil is by Lizzie Mayne:

and I love this stamp from Tim Holtz.

The cover of the book features one of the hands from the Namaste stencil. 

I hope this post tickled your creativity bone.

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  1. What a most fabulous book! I love the series of quotes!! Every page is so full of great marks and new things to look at- not to mention the fun stencil play and the gorgeous colors that you blend so well!
    So well done Jessica~ huge hugs ")

    1. Thank you sweet Jackie! Huge hugs back at ya!

  2. Absolutely beautiful Jessica! LOVE how you incorporated all the designs together.

    1. Thanks Maria. I am very fond of the "inchie" stencil!

  3. Really full of wonderful patterning with the stencils Jessica. The gesso resist is so fun. I love what gesso can do. xox

    1. Thanks Corrine - sometimes I forget about these techniques. They are fun to revisit!

  4. your projects always make me so happy with all the layers of colors! This is a great project Jessica-thanks for sharing!

  5. You always have the best ideas Jessica. I love this book. I want to try this too. Not enough days in the week! Thank you for sharing your art so generously.

  6. This is so cool... I love all of the colors, textures, and layers and how it all came together. Honestly, I really just love all of the books you make! I need to try one of these :)


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