
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Handmade Ornaments Using Stitching and Stenciling

I've been having a blast making holiday gifts using old white sheets and cloth napkins that I have dyed and "patterned" (I use that word loosely) using my stencil designs and acrylic paint.  Here are some sweet ornaments I made recently using my Seven Hearts Stencil for Stencil Girl.   They are for three special art friends, and go in the mail today...

They were easy to make - I cut out my hearts and stitched them onto other pieces of fabric.  I cut out a double layer of batting in the shape I wanted, and them sewed them all together.  I covered both sides in glass bead gel to stiffen them up a bit and give them sparkle.

I look forward to more stitching and stenciling this weekend in my monthly Meetup class.  There are still some spaces, so if you're in the area, come on by!  

Speaking of art and friends, I have been so moved by the outpouring of support for our Artists Give Back online auction.  You can bid through Friday.  Even if you don't have a winning bid or aren't in the market for art (but who isn't??), please visit our auction site and consider making a donation to Pastoralist Child Foundation.  

Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

If you don't already, please sign-up for my newsletter HERE, and follow me on Facebook, PinterestBloglovin and YouTube, so that you never miss a giveaway, and always get the latest Jessica Sporn Designs News!  

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  1. How much fun to be in a class with you at your home!! Someday maybe!! ")
    Your presents and projects are looking great!! I love fun play and can see you do too!! Loving those ornies!! xo

  2. These bags and ornaments are delightful! You're obviously having a GREAT deal of fun!

  3. I adore these. Simple but so touching. xox

    1. Thanks Corrine - I can feel myself getting freer and freer - like you!


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