
Monday, December 8, 2014

Do Good, Be Good; Artists Give Back

In my last post, I wrote about my yoga teacher's teaching that all of yoga can be summed up in one phrase: Do Good, Be Good.  Well, artists around the world have come together to "do good."  Won't you help us?  100% of the proceeds of this auction will go to Pastoralist Child Foundation, a truly grass roots non-profit that supports rural Kenyan tribal efforts to improve the lives of their girls and women.  Here is their video, where you will see my friend Sayydah Garret, who founded the foundation, speak about its work.  

You can also watch the Pastoralist Child Foundation Official Video on Youtube here.  

I have donated these two pieces:

I created Be Fearless using my Hearts, Flowers and More stencil for the background, and my Shiva Deity Stencil for the foreground.  Here's a blog post where I talked about Lord Shiva, and what his energy represents.  

There is amazing artwork on the auction site.  The auction starts Monday morning at 7AM EST and lasts until Friday 12/12.  I hope you'll check it out!

Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

If you don't already, please sign-up for my newsletter HERE, and follow me on Facebook, PinterestBloglovin and YouTube, so that you never miss a giveaway, and always get the latest Jessica Sporn Designs News!  

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  1. The work we can do as artists can help the world or help individuals. I am the exclusive artist of Yes! Beat Liver Tumors founded by Suzanne Lindley. But I also donate work to other non profits each year.

    I applaud your art and your willingness to help others.

    Tommy B. McDonell, Ph.D.
    Pinehurst, NC
    On Facebook: Tommy Buell McDonell Art

    1. Thanks so much Tommy. Next time we do this, maybe you will join us!

  2. Your pieces are stunning Jessica!
    And the work you do to put this auction together is great and greatly appreciated by many- thank you my friend!

  3. These look like wonderful creations! And for a really great cause! Kuddos to you for doing this ♥

    1. Thanks Denise. Hope your transition/move is going smoothly. All the best wishes for happy healthy holidays.

  4. I would love to be a part of this next time! Christi Conley, StampinDiva (at) :)

  5. Oh Jessica.. this is why I love you. You are my hero.


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