
Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Art in Community - My Meetup Group

Last week, I wrote about the creativity that blossoms when you are in a community of artists.  

I am fortunate to have a monthly community, through the Jessica Sporn Designs Meetup group, of wonderful women who come to my studio to make art together.

At our last meet up, we worked on various lettering techniques, using our own handwriting as a starting point. 

Then we worked in our art journals, using stencils and wash tape to make backgrounds for our joyful words.

I love everyone's bright pages.

Our new kitten Shadow was an interested observer throughout!

If you 're in the northern New Jersey area, check out my upcoming classes!  I'm in walking distance from the train from Penn Station - if that's your mode of transportation.  

Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

If you don't already, please sign-up for my newsletter HERE, and follow me on Facebook, PinterestBloglovin and YouTube, so that you never miss a giveaway, and always get the latest Jessica Sporn Designs News!  

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  1. thanks for the lovely article no meetups for art in folsom ca but maybe when all goes well be up north in tacoma next summer and I know their is a group up there

    1. Hi, Robin....we are so close but so far, as well. No meet ups in the Reno, NV area that I know of either. We have wonderful craft stores but nothing like Jessica's darling shop. That's why I love browsing through all the blogs...I feel connected to these wonderful artists that way. Sue

  2. looks like so much fun Jessica- wish I was closer "(
    Is that Sherrie at your table? And is this a new friend in it's cozy basket keeping you company in your studio? adorable!!

    1. That's Sherrie! And our new kitty - who Pamala dearly wanted to hide away in her pocketbook. I wish you were closer too. xo

  3. That looked like a very successful meetup! I'm only in Connecticut(which isn't as far as California but still would love to have one nearer to me so I can be a constant meeter-upper! LOL! Cute Kitten!

  4. A very inspirational post! I love that you have a meet up....wish I did too!

  5. What wonderful art and friends, Jessica! If only....

  6. Hey I know a whole bunch of the crew. I can only imagine how fun this must have been...and I love your whirly stencil holder!

  7. I am going to manifest a meet up with you in the near future...This is exactly what I need to inspire me:)


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