
Thursday, October 30, 2014

Altered Book Page With Tags Using The Namaste Stencil

I'm on the Stencil Girl Talk blog today, sharing step by step photos for how I made this spread in my altered book, using my Namaste stencil from Stencil Girl Products!

I hope you'll go over to Stencil Girl Talk and check out the post and leave a comment there, as well as here.  I'm giving away one of the tags I made to one commenter.  If you comment both places, you'll have two chances to win!

Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

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  1. I love this idea! I just bought a book at the Dollar store to alter and I'd very much like to try this idea in that book or in the planner I bought to do DLP next year. As to your Namaste stencil I have used elements from it more than any other stencil I've purchased from StencilGirl so far. It really speaks to me and I love how you used it here. Thanks for sharing your great ideas with us!

  2. this is so lovely-I'm heading over to Stencil Girl right now:)

  3. I love your stencil and I absolutely love what you did with it and the tags in this journal! Fab!! mmm and I love those browns you've used! xo

  4. Gorgeous stencil with such a beautiful message!!

    Hugs Giggles

  5. Fabulous pages. Your hand was the perfect size for those tags!

  6. Replies
    1. Gill - you are the winner! Please send your snail mail addy to me at jessicasporndesigns at gmail dot com!

  7. Those tags are awesome, Jessica! The whole spread is wonderful. It's such a great stencil. I need to pull it out and put it to good use!

  8. thank you all for your kind words! They definitely keep me inspired.


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