
Friday, June 27, 2014

New Stencil Releases and a Giveaway

Stencil Girl is releasing four of my new stencils today!  I hope to have some step out photos and videos for you in the future, but in the meantime, here are some project photos for you!

Seven Hearts and Hearts, Flowers and More, were inspired by the happy mail I have been sending out all year.  A group of us artists started a Facebook Group called "The Angel Project."  We list the name and address of someone we know who is going through a hard time, whether it's an illness, a personal crisis, an accident - whatever.  And we send that person "happy mail."  These stencils are perfect for creating cards and more to give someone in need a lift or just to let them know they're on your mind.  They work well together or separately.

Back in the winter, several members of Stencil Club requested owl stencils.  I love owls - from OWL in Winnie the Pooh, to Hedwig in Harry Potter, owls hold a special place in my heart.  So it was with great joy that I designed "Three Owls on a Branch" and "Horned Owl."  Here are art journal pages I did while playing with them. Again, I hope to have a video for you soon.

I hope you think these stencils are as much fun as I do!

I know I'm very late announcing the winner of the Namaste stencil.   (Here's the post with all the projects from that stencil.

Why so late? I am moving (locally) and it has been crazy!  How could I have so much stuff?  I moved 5 years ago and purged.  I swore not to over-accumulate again but it all went out the window.  So here we are doing it all over again and I swear -- never again!!!  If you're curious - here's my house listing... I am so sad to leave this beautiful house but I know the move is right.   We're going to Montclair, a more urban suburban area, just one town over.

Because I am so late announcing the winner.... I decided to give away THREE Namaste stencils!  Here are the winners...

Ladies - send your snail mail addresses to me at jessicabethsporn at gmail dot com and I will get your stencils to you (after 7/7)!

And, why not have another GIVEAWAY!  Leave me a comment below and one person will receive one of the notecards I made using my new stencils, with a lovely handwritten note from moi!

AND... If you are in the US - Happy Upcoming July 4th.  Here's a free download for your personal use -- just because. Just right-click and save, or click and drag it to your desktop.  Have a great start to summer!

Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

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  1. OHMY Goodness! I can't believe i won your stencil Jessica!!! How crazy fabulous is that!! Thank you So much!!
    I just came on to tell you how excited I am about your owl stencils- they are wonderful! And that background one is too beautiful!
    Thanks for the download too- you are so generous my friend! xo

    1. Congrats Jackie! You really use a lot of products and your art is very inspiring and unique. Can't wait to see your new "Namaste" projects on your blog. Hugs

    2. thank you bindu! You are always too sweet! hugs to you!

  2. Congratulations to all three winners of the Namaste stencils! I would liike to be entered in the next drawing.

  3. Congrats too all 3 winners!!!Happy for you all. Your Owl stencils are very pretty. The heart stencils will be great for so many projects. Thanks for doing great giveaways. You really rock!

    1. You won a notecard! Send your snail mail address to me at jessicabethsporn at gmail dot com and I will get one out to you!

  4. OMG, I won your Namaste stencil!! Thank you!! I just pinned your owl and heart stencils last night and plan to purchase them from StencilGirl within the next month. I just love all of your stencils! Thank you again!

  5. Wow, love those owl stencils. Good luck in your move Jessica.

  6. Jessica, I may need ALL of these new stencils. I love your jorunal pages of the owls. Such great and expressive creatures. You are such a talent!

  7. Congratulations ladies. Jackie, this is soooo cool. Enjoy everyone.

    1. thanks Glenda! We both must be in a winning circle! xo

  8. Congrats to you winners! Great stencil, I was just playing last night! Jessica your home is so beautiful. I hope you sell it quickly and enjoy your new home. As for the stencils! Wow. I love them but especially the owls since they are one of my special loves. Wonderful examples and thank you for your generosity. I can't believe how much you accomplish.

  9. Wow Jessica your new owl stencils are gorgeous, just love them for the the first sight!

  10. congrats to the three winners of the stencils-another very generous offer Jessica! I am so impressed by your never ending creativity not only in your art but also the stencils you keep coming out with. I did look at your house (I'm always looking at houses and sometimes open houses-just because I enjoy it:) I immediately noticed many similarities with mine - I LOVE the old natural wood and your antique pieces especially. Though my house is MUCH smaller I see they were built around the same time which is why they look so much alike. PS- would you please email me your new addy?

  11. Love your new stencils....just delightful!

  12. Congratulations to the Namaste winners. Of course I went to your house link! How can you bear to leave such a beautiful home ...with enormous rooms?! I think your new stencils would be sooooo useful, and I LOVE owls.

  13. Love your new stencils Jessica, especially the hearts one. And your home is magnificent! I'm a lover of old homes and I can only imagine how hard it is to leave this one. But, it sounds like it will be a good move for you. Thanks for the giveaway!

  14. Congratulations to the 3 lucky winners !
    I love the hearts Jessica !

  15. You are on a roll, wow. Love the wonderful. Having fun packing yet? I haven't....LOL

  16. Jessica, I love your art and your new stencils are gorgeous! I would love a chance to win! I need the push to start making art again! Xxxxx love you

  17. Love love love the wonderful owls!!!!'

  18. Your owl stencils are great; I love bird items. And the hearts are so pretty and I can imagine all sorts of uses. Good luck with the move - having moved multiple times I know how much of a chore it is. And yet cleansing.

  19. All of the stencils are amazing. I am really fond of the owl stencils since reading an article in National Geographic and learned so much that I didn't know about their habits.
    This is a great give-a-way. Good luck to everyone.

  20. Just had to comment on your new stencils, Jessica. They are so wonderful, I am totally in love with the heart one with messages !!
    Have a wonderful weekend, dear.

    1. You won a notecard! Send your snail mail address to me at jessicabethsporn at gmail dot com and I will get one out to you!

  21. Jessica your new stencils are really nice especially the owls. Mybrother made me owls stationary when he was a printer in airforce...I soooo loved it and these stencils brought back that memory of him also he was an owl lover as is my husband and collector of owlsI would love to win these t use them in cards for both. Hard to find great stencils for men too!l Thankyou for letting me enter and see your new line of stencils!

  22. Jessica, how do you do it! Your art work is of course amazing. Taking time to create new stencils and move! Maybe if I had your energy my moving journey would be complete by now

  23. Fabulous new stencils! WOW!!! Love your pieces using them! The owl is a hoot!!!! Love your art so much!!!!

  24. I have got to get those owls! I just love them. Please show how you got the wonderful color on them.

  25. Love the owls and the hearts are so pretty!!

  26. Perfect stencils for so many uses! Love them all. Best of luck with your move!

  27. Hi, Jessica! I had to read your web address very carefully, thinking it was Jessica's Porn! Anyhow, I found you thru Winn dinn...and am eager to read more of your old blog posts.

    1. Thanks Vicki! I know - my last name makes me very memorable but hopefully my art does too!

  28. Found your website blog through the Stencil Girl Blog HOp! I really like your owl pa Thankss for sharing your talents!


If you are entering a GIVEAWAY, please add your email address in the event we need to contact you.

To avoid SPAM, please write it like this:

jessicasporndesigns (at) gmail (dot) com

Thank You!