
Sunday, April 6, 2014

Stencils and Silhouettes at The Ink Pad

My cheeks are still hurting from all the smiling at The Ink Pad yesterday, where I taught "Stencils & Silhouettes" to 20 fabulous women.  The smiles started as I unloaded my car - Robin Amy Bass - a "regular!" caught me as the wind whipped me around and threatened to topple my carton of class kits.  Luckily, my mom was along to help me out!
We started with lots of demos about different ways to create our own colorful papers.  Of course, lots of stencils from Stencil Girl Products were in the house, as well as my Gelli Plate, thanks to Sandy!   Thanks again Robin for the pics!

 As everyone got to work, the eye candy of stunning papers drying all around was incredible!
There were lots of smiles and sharing of supplies and stories as people worked. 

And the finished works were beautiful!  Here's a sampling as I did not get around to get individual photos of everyone:

I am so grateful to all the students in the class, for making it such a joyous experience, and to The Ink Pad - fabulous hosts as always!

My next few teaching gigs are in my home studio.  You can join in the fun at Mixed Media with Jessica Sporn at Meetup.  You have to join Meetup to see the info - but it's free to join and then you'll get news of upcoming home studio classes.  

And then in October, I'll be at Art is You in Stamford, CT.

If you haven't been to Art is You before, you must check it out.  It is fun, supportive, nurturing, inspiring and more!  I'll be teaching two workshops - one on Thursday, October 9th with tons of gelli printing and stenciling culminating in a citiscape or skyline, called "The Sky's the Limit:"

and another on Friday, October 10 where we'll make an altered book memory keeper:

I hope to see you soon!

Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

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  1. Looks like a great day with amazing results in the journals. So colorful. Wow. I bet the ladies all walked away so happy. Great job and congrats on all the upcoming "gigs", my friend.

  2. Fantastic group....looks like you are a star lady! xox

  3. Jessica, thank you so much for such an amazing class. Your hands-on instruction really helped so much and I love not only what I created but what the other ladies created. A day of inspiration!

    1. Thanks so much Ava. It was wonderful having you in class and watching the progression of your beautiful piece. It was a great group of women and I'm so happy to have met you.

  4. I always smile when I read your posts! How fun the class looked and the art pieces that the gals all created- stunning! One of these days Jessica, i am going to come play artsy with you!(it's on my wish list!)
    You and your mom look completely alike! Both beautiful women- and how wonderful that she was there with you! Huge hugs! ")

  5. What a fantastic day you and your students experienced. The work is lovely and the "hands on" class is such a rewarding experience for those wanting to learn all the knowledge involved in your artistic work.

  6. wow look at all those glorious, colorful pages AND very happy faces!! Makes me wish I lived closer to the city. How wonderful that your Mom was able to accompany and help you out too. I know that all the classes you will be teaching throughout the year are going to be just as successful!

  7. Sore cheeks from smiling = a very good thing! Love how you did the collage pics from class... everyone looks thrilled and their papers are gorgeous. How fun your Mom was able to help. She must've enjoyed seeing you in action!

  8. Jessica you are certainly in your element as a are simply beaming with joy! You are wearing your inner beauty....Love your adorable outfit's says ARTIST all the way. Stunning colorful work everyone did! Looks like so much fun!!

    Hugs Giggles


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