
Thursday, April 3, 2014

Bravely Offer Your Heart

During last weekend at Big Fat Art, being pushed out of my comfort zone led to uncomfortable feelings of not being grounded.  On Saturday morning, I quickly painted this girl into my art journal.  (Do you recognize her - I've been painting her a lot...)  She is feeling so disconnected that she doesn't even have feet!!

I painted her over a collaged background stenciled with Sporn Flowers Negative and then glazed over with Turqouise and Green Gold Fluid acrylics.
Rev. Jaganath Carrera
As the weekend went on, I tried to "just be" with my discomfort, rather than default to my comfort zone.  As Jane Davies said so wisely, the best progress and learning come at the height of your struggle.  When I turned to this girl again, feeling ungrounded was no longer moving me so much.  Instead, what was moving me were experiences I have had with people who are not kind, and not that nice. 

Yoga teaches us to try to see beyond people's surface acts and understand that the effect - unkindness - has a cause; people are going through things we know nothing about.  Moreover, we learn and grow more through how we relate to our negative experiences than our positive ones.

And so this girl evolved to bravely step forward out of the swirling of her thoughts and offer her kindness and compassion.

I added elements of Kae Pea's gorgeous Wheel in the Sky stencil and some journaling.

Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

Linking to Art Journal Every Day and Paint Party Friday!

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  1. Thank you. I needed to stumble onto this. I struggle with what others think and feel about me and this touched my heart in so many good ways. Again, thank you! Words cannot adequately describe my joy right now.

  2. wise thoughts my friend, your girl looks cherished now. xox

  3. Jessica, You speak to my soul...This post is also, what i needed this week. Your thoughts, words and visuals I will take with me and gain comfort from them. What a wonderful place the Art world is to be able to connect to and with so many like minded souls who share and rejoice together. A beautiful post and I love your darling girl! She warms my heart! Hugs

  4. A beautiful journal page, and a courageous one. Thank you for sharing something which must have been painful to experience.

  5. Jessica your journal page and girl are complete with a loving heart and is so beautiful. I couldn't agree more with your thoughts about unkind people and looking at them with a kind heart nonetheless because it's so true that you don't know what they may be going through privately. I hope you are getting a better feeling and understanding of the class you took with Jane. Wish I could have taken it although I know that in a class I feel somewhat pressured and not as relaxed as when I'm alone. Keep the love going my friend. XO

  6. Your post and your page are beautiful and speaks volumes about your generous spirit! I love the thought behind it and seeing it evolve <3

  7. It's a shame that sometimes we have to deal with unkindness of people in our lives. From being in pre-school to being elderly. It never ends. I think, for me, at this age, I only will surround myself with good people. People that have your back and care about YOU. So love your girl here. I hope you are feeling surrounded by goodness now. Thanks, my friend.

  8. I think these feelings are universal. Most everyone feels them. I love how you made this page speak to the masses. Fantastic work! :D Love, love, love your art!!!!

  9. Lovely post and the page is wonderful. Heap the hot coals of kindness on their heads! The unkind people don't know how to respond as you get nicer and nicer to them. Eventually they seem to understand that you will not act like they do. Thanks for sharing your feelings with us.

  10. I love that you shared your thought and emotional process while working on this girl. I have to remind myself every morning to step out of my own thoughts, circumstances and fears and reach out to others. She is lovely.

  11. I think there are many that share in these very same feelings, I know I'm one.
    It's been hard in the past but I have eventually come to understand it better now, it makes it a lot easier to cope with.
    Lovely post and lovely art. Thanks for sharing.
    Annabelle : )

  12. Jessica, what a beautiful and meaningful painting! It is hard but necessary to keep offering one's heart in the face of rejection. You have perfectly depicted this in your painting.

  13. Your girl is awesome. Happy PPF.

  14. Loved the story that goes with your beautiful painting Jessica. Happy PPF, Annette x

  15. This is a terrific post! I love her face and the colors you've used for shading. Wonderful work!

  16. Beautiful words and beautiful meaningful artwork.

  17. She's so sweet and she looks just fine with no feet.

  18. She's so cute. I don't do yoga, but do enjoy prayerful walks which help me stay focused. I also agree that we learn and grow much more through hard times than we do through easy times. Blessings, my friend!

  19. Love your girl, Jessica. Love this post.

  20. Your finished product is wonderful and I love the addition of the stencil... It really finished it off... You have such a. Great eye for colour... It makes me look forward to every visit...xx

  21. So pretty! The color is beautiful and the design and layout is terrific!

  22. Oh my, we are on the exact same page it seems! Notice how we both even created little girls.... I wonder if that is who we revert to when feeling vulnerable in search of resolve. I love this whole post...The only thing we can do is ask what we're to learn from those who are not so nice. Keep a loving heart at all costs, even though it's difficult at times!! I love your sweet little girl, her expression is perfect as she ponders resolve. Notice how hard she is holding on to her heart! Very telling journal page! Sending you love and light!!

    Big hugs Giggles

  23. Love the story behind this and how you came to the end result. great work!

  24. I like all the colors in her face! Lots of depth and character. I even like that she doesn't have feet! Awe...the comfort zone. I know how you feel. Loss of control is hard for me but it's suppose to be healthy and growing. I guess we need to learn from those experiences!! Thanks for sharing your heart :)

    Happy Paint Party Friday!

  25. I too agree with you. Love your art and if you were out of your comfort zone I would never have guessed it.
    Well done

  26. I'd like to give that girl a hug. What a beautiful page, and the addition of the white wheel really pops. Pinning....


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