
Thursday, March 27, 2014

Road Trip Journal Page

I prepped a page in my journal in preparation for my road trip today to Massachusetts to see my lovely artsy friends Judy Shea, Kay Wallace and Corrine Gilman.  On Friday, Judy and I are off for a weekend of Big Fat Art with Jane Davies.

In the background, I used Michelle Ward's Ripples stencil, and in the foreground, the car is Nathalie Kalbach's "Old Timer" stencil.  On the tags are imprints from Wednesday's gelli plate play date, and the hearts and strips are cut from that play date as well.  (If you missed the post, it has a video!)

The words are from a handwritten sheet of words that I print out and cut out whenever I need them.  Do you want them too?  I'm offering them as a free download with my April Newsletter.  So if you haven't signed up yet, do so and you'll have this sheet of words to use whenever you want!

Linking to Paint Party Friday, as I've definitely been hanging out in my Artist's Play Room being Creative Every Day in my Art Journal Every Day!

Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

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  1. Safe driving can't wait to see you! Nice prep page. xox

  2. One more thing- I am green over you and Judy with Jane, love her!

  3. This is a wonderful spread, so bright and cheerful.

  4. Fantastic page! Enjoy your adventure!

  5. Love all the playful colors you used, and the prints you've been making with the gelliplate. I've been experimenting too this week, it was months ago that I did something with it, but you're right: once you start, you don't want to stop ;-)

  6. How colorful and fun! So cheerful and bright. Lovely spread :)

  7. what a great journal page!! have a fun Road Trip. happy PPF

  8. Beautiful page Jessica, am sure you will have a lot of happy times to share on this page. Happy PPF, Annette x

  9. Jessica, I really like the colors and look of your page. Road trips...yeah!

  10. love all the happiness of this piece!! Safe travels -and I know you're going to have a fabulous time!!

  11. So enjoyed meeting you yesterday, Jessica, and exchanging stories with Judy and Corrine, too! This is a great journal page with lots of interest, color and sage advice. Thanks for sharing it with us! Enjoy your classes with Jane Davies!

  12. I knew those pieces straightaway!! It certainly did not take you long to use that beautiful scrap paper! Cheers for you Jessica! hugs ")

  13. Wonderful to have a journal like this :-)

  14. Gorgeous page! thank you for sharing - love it!!!

  15. LOVE your journal page Jessica! The layers and colors are just beautiful!

  16. What a super page --- love how you used Nat's car for your road trip!

  17. Nice Road Trip Page Jessica. Enjoy your Big Fat Art weekend and have a safe trip.

    Annabelle : )

  18. Luv the fun quality; have a nice trip

    Much love...


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