
Thursday, September 26, 2013

"Hands" Stencil Test Drive!

Welcome to another Stencil Test Drive!   I have 7, yes SEVEN, amazingly creative friends driving along and to show you how they have used my Hands Stencil designed for Stencil Girl Products.

 It is a 9 x 12" stencil with a variety of hands in various gestures.  I designed it so that it could be used either as a border, if you mask off the middle hands, or as small detail stencils.

I've been playing with it for a few weeks.  Individual hands have been making appearances on altered books:

and Art journal pages.

For this test drive, I thought it was time that ALL the hands in the border show up.  So I started playing with my gelli plate, and made several prints:

The last one was my favorite.  I glued it into my journal.  I used magenta acrylic paint and glazing medium to tint the paper a bit.  Then I cut out more hands from another gelli print, and glued them on to add some dimension.  I scribbled around the face with a white wax pencil. 

The hands reminded me of the voices I sometimes hear, telling me I'm not good enough, original enough, likeable enough, or that I'm too thin, too heavy, too nice, or not nice enough -- you get the drift...  Do you have inner critics too?  

Sometimes it's easy to silence these voices -- other times they get the better of me.   I wanted to remind myself why it's so important to shoo them away.  So  I used a white Posca Pen to write in a quote I found on Pinterest -- I love this quote, and have been waiting for an opportunity to use it. 

I think I'd rather have space for dreams -- wouldn't you?

And now for a GIVEAWAY!  I am giving away one Hands Stencil!  Comment here for an entry into the giveaway.  Then go and comment on all the other blogs.  Why?  Because you'll see some fantastic creativity at work, and because all comments in all participating blogs will count towards the giveaway.   How cool is that?  The more times you comment, the more chances you'll have to win!  You have time to comment until Saturday, September 28, 10PM EST.

So get busy, comment here, and then go visit:

Is that a great line up or what?!!!

Linking also to Paint Party Friday and Art Journal Everyday, as well as to Carolyn Dube's October Gelli Plate Party - which is coming up in just a few days.... YIKES!

Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

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  1. I just love your art! Don't we all have a Head Full of Fears? It is just the ability to suppress those fears that makes us successful - at least it is for me! Thanks for the giveaway!

  2. wow wow WOW Jessica! I love how you used the hands!!! The quote and the whole design is just beautiful!

  3. That is a really great stencil, loving all your makes.

  4. Marvelous journal page and you are so right! Love all the projects in the hop. xox

  5. I love this piece, Jessica! The colours, the imagery, the quote, they all combine so well.

  6. What a great stencil - I find hands so difficult to draw!!

  7. The hand stencil is great and has so many useful applications . Thanks!!!

  8. Beautiful layout. And the topic of inner critics really resonates with me. I may have to steal that quote for my art journal. Thanks for the chance to win!

  9. I adore this stencil and I want it, so I hop!!!

  10. I agree- a head full of dreams is so much better than a head full of fear! Your Hands is such a versatile stencil!

  11. Oh I would love to win!! And I must say...your pages are AWESOME!! The various ways you used that your creativity!!:) Have a great day!

  12. Jessica, I love this stencil. It has so many possibilities!!!

  13. This is wonderful Jessica! I love how it always comes together for you! The words on your silhouette are perfect! Congrats on another successful Test Drive!

  14. Such an appropriate sentiment for me right now! Loved everything about this page!!

  15. Wonderful artwork! I love your stencil and how versatile it is!

  16. I love how you made that page about the head full of fears! It is so interesting to see what everyone comes up with.

  17. Oh your art work. Especially the last one with the great quote. Love the vibrant colors ! Thanks for sharing. This is truly amazing and inspiring. Signed up to follow your blog !! Yipppeeee
    Hugs from SPAIN

  18. I have those inner voices too! We must torch them!! Love you piece xxoo

  19. That message and your art are always so inspiring!

  20. awesome stencil Jessica and so many great ideas from your friends!!!! THanks for the opportunity!

  21. Love all the colors you brought into the hands - its dynamic! And the hand in black on the book is so dramatic - so effective! Thanks - would love to win this!

  22. I love this stencil! I see so many, many possibilities!! Thanks for the chance to win!

  23. Awesome stencil! So many uses for it! Love all your pages!

  24. Love your hands. I can't draw them to save my life. Thanks for the chance to win.

  25. love all the ways you used this stencil Jessica! The hop is definitely off to a great start!! Thanks for the chances to win! Off to visit the other contributing artists.

  26. I love what you've done. Great stencil and beautiful colors!

  27. Love that quote and how you placed it in the head! The layered hands are a fabulous frame. Great playing with you today.

  28. Fun fun stencil you designed. The variety of the hands does lend to so many possibilities! Love you project. Thanks for a sharing, and a chance to win! Janelle Rourke

  29. You keep coming up with the best ideas for stencils! Wow! Keep the coming!

  30. Everything you have done with the stencil....but, your journal page is truly authentic and from the heart and therefore my FAVORITE :) LOVE it!

  31. Love the quote you used for your journal page piece - and the colourful journal page itself. Great inspiration, thanks

  32. Hi,

    I love the hand stencil and the great art you produced with it. It would be lovely to win it for my very own!
    Yvonne (

  33. Your pages are great! The stencil is awesome!

  34. The hands stencil is wonderful! So many ways to use it! Thanks for the chance to win!

  35. Wow Jessica, I love your hand projects, your stencil is wonderful!! I just love all your stencils, thanks for the chance to win!!

  36. Oh Jessica, I just had to see the originator of this stencil and what you made with it! I really enjoyed hopping along and looking at everyone's projects - not two were the same! I think your quote is right on the money! The fear of creating something not quite as you had perceived is what makes us stop playing and start agonizing! Thanks for dreaming!!

  37. Oh those silly, invading voices! They are my nemesis! I love your page & your message! It's been cool to hop along & see how everyone has used your stencil! Nicely done!

  38. A great quote to be sure. Thank you. I have enjoyed your tutorials. Now I have to check out Posca Pens, since I keep seeing it crop up in art journaling. I hope to be able to pick up your stencils someday very soon.

  39. Wonderful quote Jessica..that came together wonderfully!

    Hugs Giggles

  40. It's really great seeing how you used the hands stencil to create such different pieces. The hands touching the head in the last piece look so cool!

  41. So creative! I especially love the altered book. You've come up with such a versatile design and applied it so beautifully.

  42. yes, i can totally relate to your journal! i have that critical voice too. glad to know there is someone else struggling to not listen and create new and nurturing thoughts to listen to. those hands really connect with this struggle. great work! visit my bog, too.

  43. I love how your created with these stencils... so really neat!

  44. Very fun stencil Jessica! Enjoy seeing all the ways you've put it to work!

  45. Just discovered your channel, site and stencils today! As a newbie art journal-er, I am inspired and helped much by just watching a few of your videos. Will check out the rest of your site, but, since it is 8:28pm, I need to go 'hop' in order to increase my chances of winning your fabulous stencil - love it! Be Blessed

  46. After two hand surgeries and a long rehab that is still in action I am fascinated and totally in love with my hands. One never knows until one has to deal with not having to know the blessing of wholeness.

  47. It is amazing how many ways people find to make money from someone else's plight. God Bless you with Abundance and lots of Joy.

  48. love the expressive hand gestures in that stencil~! I can't draw hands, so this would be a super addition to my ever growing stencil collection! May your head always have room for dreams!

  49. I love the hands stencil and I can so relate to what you wrote on this blog post. I too suffer from bouts of feeling inadequate, even during my trip to China I felt like I did not fit in, it took me a few days to just accept me and enjoy the trip. Your art always soothes me and for that I am most appreciative

  50. I have many ideas for your hands stencil! Thanks!


If you are entering a GIVEAWAY, please add your email address in the event we need to contact you.

To avoid SPAM, please write it like this:

jessicasporndesigns (at) gmail (dot) com

Thank You!