
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Believe in Your Magic - A Video

In July, I shared this tutorial with you to make a quick mixed media canvas.  It's a great way to use up those bits and pieces of paper and gelli prints you have laying around! 

Well, I finally got around to editing the video I had made while I was working on it.  And here it is!  You can also watch it on You Tube here.

Please feel free to share this video, and/or do your own canvas in response to it.   I would love to see what you make!

Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

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  1. I love this flower piece using scaps of my gelli prints is fun for me as well!

  2. 4:50 seconds of fun! Thanks for sharing your video!

  3. My daughter loves this, and so do it! FUN and bright and cheery!

  4. Love your magic my friend. xox

  5. I really enjoyed your video. It was lots of fun.
    I also wanted to tell you that I saw a preview of the Stencil Girls Stencil Club stencils for October. They are wonderful! They are exactly what I need right now! I really feel that using them in my art could give me a focal piece for meditation and relaxation. With the stresses of life building up right now, I really need something like this. Thank you for designing these gorgeous pieces! I can't wait to get them!
    ...Raine Phoenix

  6. Thank you Raine! I hope you'll share what you make with them!

  7. I had to poke around a little more on your blog, and this is adorable! I just love the stitching, okay I love everything about it.

  8. Love the flowers and the texty leaves! Same problem here - video spot is black (same on youtube). Hugs!


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