
Monday, March 17, 2014

Make a Wish

Thank you to all who commented on my post about depression and staying strong. I was truly touched by all the empathy and solidarity - we are a wonderful community.

This sweet girl is making a wish:  May I wake up every day able to not just know, but feel, my many blessings.
Here is a fast forward video of some of my process, in which I used stencils from February Stencil Club, and my Runes stencil.

You can also watch Make a Wish on YouTube.

Don't forget to check out my post for One Little Word and the main OLW post with all the great Design Team projects and amazing prizes offered this time around.  Also, if you are in the New York area, I hope to see you at The Ink Pad on April 5th.  You can also join my Meetup group for monthly classes in my New Jersey home studio.

Thanks for visiting!

UPDATE:  The Gefilte Fish and Bagel platters I designed over the summer are finally available!  You know you NEED one!

Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

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  1. Great page Jessica, loved your girl and your wish!

  2. I can relate so much on the issue of depression and wish you all the strength and courage to fight through it. You are not alone, and thankfully it seems the stigma is lessening a little as we talk about this common and dreadful illness a little more openly. I love your beautiful journal pages Jessica!

  3. Hi, Jessica! Thank you so much for sharing this video with us! I really enjoyed watching your process! The one thing I would ask for in the future is more information on the type of medium you are using in each step. And maybe a peek at your palette. Thank you again! I love your work!

    1. Thanks for the suggestion Toni. I will! Mostly I use golden fluid acrylics, matte and gloss. I also used a white pastel in that piece. xx

  4. Depression. Yes, I have seen my share of it, personally and in others quite near to me. Did you happen to see the post of FB last week, I don't remember who (I think it might have actually been a suicide prevention group), but it talked about Eeyore and how nice it was that Pooh and the others included him in activities despite his clinical depression. We all need to be part of something and I love that we are.

    1. Thank you! Yes - I saw that. It was just lovely. A.A. Milne had so much wisdom in those books.

  5. As long as I don't have to eat the gefilte fish!!!! LOL. Love your dandelion girl sending all those seeds out to bring new growth. xox

  6. Your girl is just darling Jessica- I love the colors in her face and hair especially! Your plate and platter look fantastic too.

  7. Your art is really special! Patsy

  8. Just watched this...ooooooh, the layering is so incredible. I love your paintings!


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