
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

One Little Word - Color!

The "word up" at One Little Word this month is "COLOR."  This word opened up so many possibilities.

But in the end,  I was inspired by this beautiful quote:
to create this 12 x 12" canvas:

Here's how I made it:

1.  I sectioned off the canvas using very skinny artists tape.
2.  I scraped modeling paste through stencils to create a lot of texture in each of the 8 triangles.  The stencils are:
     Red: Cascading Feathers
     Orange: Squares & Circles
     Yellow:  Flowers & Circles
     Green: Ronda's Feathers (thank you Ronda for the lovely gift of this beautiful stencil!)
     Blue: Stitch a Greek Border by Maria McGuire
     Indigo: Flying Tulips
     Violet: Hebrew Calligraphy
     Neutral: Dots & Dashes
3.  Then I rubbed paint into them, using the colors of the rainbow, and one neutral.  Because LOVE is for EVERYONE.
4.  I rubbed gold paint and gold leaf to onto the raised areas.
5.  Then I added embellishments from my stash.

Here's a video of part of my process:

You won't believe the riot of color over at One Little Word.   I hope you'll check out the other creations by the Design Team, and join us at One Little Word for this versatile prompt!     

AND...  I have decided to give away on of my Squares & Circles stencils to someone who comments on this post!  So give me a shout out before midnight, EST, on Friday 10/18 to be eligible to win!

Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

PS - the winner of my FRAMES stencil from the test drive on Thursday is Jo from Anita Houston's blog:

Jo MurrayOctober 10, 2013 at 1:18 PM That's so clever....embossing twice. Worked really well...and this stencil is perfect for that technique.

Congratutions Jo - send me your snail mail address (to jessicabethsporn (@) gmail (dot) com, and I'll sent it to you!

Thank you for visiting and commenting.  I know how busy you are and the fact that you take time to leave a word or two makes me so happy!

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  1. Great timing. I am contemplating the colour wheel. Squares and circles is a great stencil!

  2. Wow Jessica, I LOVE your colour wheel inspired canvas, sooooooo vibrant and cheerful. The texture is amazing, way to go sweetie.
    Huge hugs x

  3. Wow Jessica, I LOVE your colour wheel inspired canvas, soooo vibrant and cheerful. The texture is amazing too, way to go sweetie.
    Huge hugs x x x

  4. Fabulous Jessica!
    I love the colours and the textures!

  5. This is amazing Jessica, I love the colors and the texture is out of this world!!!

  6. Feeling a bit down yesterday, I escaped for some "me" time and sat in Barnes and Noble for two hours. I had the presence of mind to bring my trusty iPad along, and it was a joy to watch your YouTube video creation of this canvas. You make it look so effortless. I love riotous color and texture. Thanks for the mood lift!

  7. What an explosion of positive colours!

  8. Felicidades por el trabajo que has presentado. Me encantan las texturas divididas por espacios diferentes y coloreadas. Parece una caja de regalo lista para abrir.! Saludos!!!!

  9. I love the textures and the way you applied lighter colors on top of darker ones. Wonderful color mixture!

  10. is a wonderful job, I love everything you do Jessica, I hope one day to have your talent, it's great!

  11. Love this and I can see the stencils you used for the texture

  12. You came up with another great idea!

  13. HI,

    I love the use of all the great colors and texture. A wonderful mixture.

  14. Thank you for using my StencilGirl stencil Jessica :) Your project is beautiful!

  15. Great stencil! Love the design you made! Fab color too!

  16. This piece is so beautiful. it is me who is honored Jessica!

  17. This is one of my favorite pieces of your art. Love the texture.

    nancy connelly

  18. Great stencil! I love the color and texture in this piece!

  19. I joined Stencil Girl club this month. I am so excited to get your SG stencils of the month for Oct. They are just fantastic, as all your stencils. I love the squares and circles and I can already see in my mind my creation using this stencil. thanks

  20. p.s. Your color project is great too! What in the world would we do without color? It makes me smile!

  21. Fantastic! Love this month's OLW... need to hop on it!

  22. Wow, it is beautiful! And Chagall's words are so true!

  23. It made my heart glad to see the final outcome of your rainbow piece. I was pleased how alive your interpretation made me feel and was reminded how colours are really related and even gold is said to be found at the end of a rainbow. Again thank you for sharing your creative talent and for the effect it had on me.

  24. Nice - embossing twice and your rainbow of color....xox

  25. Beautiful! Love the design! The canvas is bigger than I realized from the photo on the OLW blog. And I love that Squares and Circles stencil!

  26. Fabulous colourful,and inspiring.

  27. i LOVE this - so much texture & color! ♥

  28. Gorgeous project and I love that stencil!! I had fun playing along with the word!

  29. Years later, and I have just run across this post. I am pleased that my calligraphy rendering of Chagall's words inspired you! Love that stencil too!


If you are entering a GIVEAWAY, please add your email address in the event we need to contact you.

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jessicasporndesigns (at) gmail (dot) com

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