
Thursday, November 19, 2015

Why An Open Heart is the Only Rational Answer

Windows and Doors Stencil  Available on Society6
With the horrific bombings and shootings in Paris last week, fear-mongering is running rampant - politicians and ordinary people are reacting in anger, and urging closing off, shutting down, turning in.  But bombs and hatred will never win against terrorists.  People turn to violence when they have no hope, no options.  The true weapons against terrorism are education, employment, hope, compassion and love.  We need MORE love, not more fear.

Medallions Stencil, Cascading Leaves Stencil, Falling Feathers Stencil and Hamsa Stamp
As an artist, my response is to make art and thus these images in my art journal.  Open doors.  Think of "others" as the same as me, with the same hopes, dreams and fears.  Think of my ancestors who were rejected and shunned because they were different.

The worst thing these attacks can do is close our hearts and take away our humanity.  Don't let that happen.

Kim Geiser created this beautiful coloring page as a free gift and plea to "Please Love More."  As she says, "Please share, print, use this picture and allow it to remind us to use our powers for good. "

by Kim Geiser Studios

And just a reminder:
The last day to purchase these downloadable online classes for $9.99 is 11/23! Then they go to their normal price of $24.99.  So if you're interested, purchase them, download them, and do them at your convenience!

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  1. Love IS the only way to drive out hate. Courage is the only way to combat fear and Light is the only way to brighten the darkness. Let us be vessels of Love, Courage and Light. Thank you Jessica for sharing all three. xokp

    1. Thank you Kae Pea. It's so sad to me that the reaction, time after time, is of fear and suspicion.

  2. Love your journal pages. We must have had similar thoughts. Love must prevail. Hatred just destroys.

    1. Thanks Bev for stopping by and leaving such kind words.

  3. I do so much agree it seems we humans will never learn from the past but we must keep trying peace for all

    1. Yes - Love, Courage, Compassion and Peace. Thanks for stopping by.

  4. Love your image, Jessica, and I agree that what will win over terrorism is 'education, employment, hope, compassion and love'. Far better to live our lives through those than fear and hatred.

  5. I really, really like how the images in the second piece look so three dimensional. Wonderful work!

  6. All we are give Peace a chance!
    Great post Jessica <3
    xo Jackie

  7. Enjoyed your artistic and rational response to the bombing so much, I had to share this post with my FB friends. TFS!


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