
Monday, August 10, 2015

Layering Stencils and Inspiration from Friends

Recently, I came across and swooned over this beautiful art journal page by Maria McGuire.  I loved the silhouetted black flowers agains the watercolor background.  I was reminded immediately of a beautiful Queen Ann's Lace stencil by Cecilia Swatton that I owned but had never used.  
I had a watercolor background in my art journal, which I had painted over some doodles in white pastel, which had resisted the paint.  I used the Queen Ann's Lace stencil with black over the background.  

I pulled out another stencil I owned, but had never used: Andrea DeMeng's Pretty as a Peacock Stencil.  I stenciled it with the same black paint onto the page.  Then I lightened things up with Traci Bautista's Deconstructed Zinnia Mask and Stencil and white paint.  

I thought about leaving it alone at this point, but instead I started using the stenciled face as a jumping off point and my muse took over.  Without intending it, she became a Bedouin girl in a headscarf.  

This quote from Psalm 139:14 was perfect for her:

Thank you Maria McGuire for sharing your beautiful journal page, which was my initial inspiration.  Nathalie Kalbach's Batik Stencil also found it's way into this girl's outfit.  I so love the wonderful community that I am part of at Stencil Girl Products, and am happy that so many artists' inspiration found their way onto this page.

This piece will form part of "The Psalm Project."  Please visit my "Psalm Project" pinterest page to see my favorite Psalm quotes.  And I would love if you would share some of yours in the comments.

Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

If you don't already, please sign-up for my newsletter HERE, and follow me on Facebook, PinterestBloglovin and YouTube, so that you never miss a giveaway, and always get the latest Jessica Sporn Designs News!  

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  1. Absolutely stunning, Jessica! Love seeing all the layers and how this piece evolved! :)

  2. Love your journal page! Gorgeous face and so enjoyed learning how you created it.

  3. These are beautiful. I will go check out your psalm page too.

  4. She is absolutely stunning Jessica!! Love love love !!
    and Maria's inspiration piece is beautiful- what a great piece to spark from! xo

  5. As i have said before...your work is amazing

  6. As i have said before...your work is amazing

  7. So much beautiful art! Thanks for sharing it on the Tuesday's Tutorials Facebook Group.

  8. I thought your town scape piece was my favorite, but this one might trump it! LOVE it, and love that you kept going with her face! Gorgeous! Inspiration from blogging friends is the best, and I love our little blogging world!!!

  9. Thank you for sharing my piece Jessica :) Love your take on it and ALL your other pieces too!!!!

  10. Lovely mix of inspiration from some very lovely ladies who always inspire. xox

  11. Wow! This is so gorgeous. The design and colors are just awesome.

  12. Absolutely fabulous. Off to pin to enjoy again another day.


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