
Friday, May 8, 2015

Art Journaling Bit By Bit

I have an altered book that I've been working in for quite a while.  When I first started doing mixed media art journaling, I worked in one journal until it was finished.  But since I started working in altered books, I have a few different kinds of journals going at once.

This page started as a scrap paper on which I had stamped off gesso using my Shiva stamp and my gelli plate.  I adhered it into the book, and then it sat for a while.  Little by little, I accumulated different pieces of ephemera, that all combined to create a page that was ultimately pleasing to me.

The "fingers" on the top and bottom of the right side of the page are from one of the hands on the Namaste stencil.  I thought they looked cool, once separated from the palms.  The five medallions are from the centers of those hands.

The page on the left features Mary Nasser's Latitude Longitude Stencil.

Here's another page that started and then sat.  It began with a beautiful piece of Mail Art from Corrine Gilman.  

It evolved using my Hamsa Stamp from RubberMoon, and my Hebrew Calligraphy stencil from Stencil Girl.  

The other side actually evolved first with tags, and I posted about it here on the Stencil Girl Talk blog.

Those hands come in handy, as you can see in this post.

Do you journal sequentially in one book at a time, or have different journals going all at once?  Do you work on a page from start to finish?  Or do you sometimes let pages sit for a while?  Interested minds want to know!

Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

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  1. Jessica, your pages always inspire me! These are beautiful, and it's fun to hear about your process! Right now I have 3 main journals going, each with a different purpose. I usually finish a spread in one sitting, but not always.

    1. Thank you Michelle. I am really amazed by how much you do. You are so prolific and your growth via sketchbook skool is so inspiring. xoxo

  2. I too will let a page stand for a while, sometimes quite a long while! Something about the distance that provides, I guess... I enjoy your work immensely- all the rich colors.

    1. Thanks so much! It's funny how sometimes, I page that I didn't like and that sat for a while becomes my favorite.

  3. I too will let a page stand for a while, sometimes quite a long while! Something about the distance that provides, I guess... I enjoy your work immensely- all the rich colors.

  4. Love these spreads, and altered books/art journals of all types. I currently have five of them on the go - no make that six, and normally finish one a year.

    1. Thanks Win - I love your work and so appreciate your comments.

  5. I have 4 journals that I work in frequently and a few (quick count: 5) that I grab sometimes. There's an altered book, three handbound journals, one 'swap' journal that goes up-and-down between me and a friend, one bought (large) journal, another altered book, my box of index cards and another 'back-and-forth' project with another friend, both working on loose pages to bind it at the end... I mostly finish a page in one or two sessions, but there are some 'backgrounds' in some journals that needs to be worked on - I guess it varies... I love how you used only the fingers of your hand-stencil, it makes a great image!

    1. Thanks Marit. It's so interesting hearing about everyone's process. Love the idea of the swap journal!

  6. The vibrant colors and message wowed me today. Maybe letting it sit is like letting it marinate.

    I work in more than one journal at a time. Some pieces are currently sitting until I know what I want to do next. Meanwhile I move forward on other pages. I figure maybe the element I need next may not be made yet.

    Loved this post. It made me want to "live inspired."

    1. Thank you Lynda. Love the word "marinate."

  7. I have different journals going all at once and don't work sequentially. I also don't always work on a page from start to finish. :) What I love about art journaling is that there are no rules! So interesting to hear everyone's process! :)

    1. Thanks Mary - I too am loving hearing about everyone's process. I love your journals!

  8. Beautiful pages. Like you I have several different in the works at once and there's definitely no chronological order happening here.


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