
Monday, March 16, 2015

Watercolor Painting with Golden's New QoR Watercolors

Mary Beth Shaw kindly sent me a set of Golden's new line of watercolor paints.  They're called QoR (pronounced "core"), and the promo for them says: 
 "The unique QoR formulation accentuates the luminosity and brilliance of pigments even after drying. It provides the subtlety, transparency and flow of a great watercolor, with colors that have as much vibrancy and fire as the best acrylic or oil paint."
Is it true?  Yes it is!  Check out this video and how beautiful these paints are.  If you love watercolor, I highly recommend them!

You can also watch "Watercolor Painting with QoR paints on YouTube here."

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  1. Thanks, Jessica, for the Golden shout out. I can tell you had a lot of fun, great journal page!

  2. Love this, you are such a great inspiration. I appreciate your sharing.

    1. Thanks Dee - you are always so encouraging and kind. I truly appreciate it.

  3. This is fantastic! I just put some QoR watercolors in my Amazon cart two days ago!!! Thanks for the inspiration!!!
    ....Raine Phoenix

    1. I would love to see what you create with them Raine. I know you'll paint something beautiful.

  4. I was absolutely mesmerized watching you paint Jessica! Your page is beautiful! I agree about the QoR watercolors - they are sooo vibrant and beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks Michelle. I know you use watercolors a lot and if you get the chance, you'll love these.

  5. Jessica, these really are full of pigment- such beautiful colors! Your painting is gorgeous! Thanks for the video and share! xo

    1. Thanks Jackie - the watercolors made it easy!

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks Maria - if you can get your hands on them, give them a go!

  7. Gosh, something else to add to my wish list! I've heard the QoR were really nice...of course your talent helped them look good!

    1. Thanks Vicki - but they really are so highly pigmented - it's easy to create something pretty!


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