
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Holiday Creating with the Three Trees Stencil from Stencil Girl

I'm on the Stencil Girl Talk Blog today showing how I made this accordion book using envelopes and the Three Trees Stencil from Stencil Girl.  

To see more photos and a video of the project from start to finish, hop on over to Stencil Girl Talk and take a look!  

Here are some other ways I've been playing with the stencil -- all part of my current obsession with Stenciling and Stitching!

I stenciled the trees and some of Carolyn Dube's words on fabric:

 and made gift bags:

For the background fabrics, I also used Terri Stegmiller's Broken Circles, Kae Pea's Tribal Leaves, and my Retro Flowers and Circles Stencils. 

I made some wine gift bags using Mary Nasser's Longitude and Latitude, and Seth Apter's Timeless Stencils in the background:

A patchwork runner for my sideboard:

And a gift card holder!


It's going to be a colorful holiday for sure!  

In addition to the Three Trees Stencil, I also used:

I hope this post and the video on Stencil Girl Talk give you lots of ideas for how to use the Three Trees Stencil.  If you use it, please share your designs with me! I'd love to see them.

Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

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  1. Love, love all your beautiful holiday art projects! Tx for sharing and inspiring! I am ordering the tree stencil rt now! Do you use any old fabric paint or what for stencil on fabric? Tx again and happy holidays! Aloha, angi in hana

  2. Love those gift bags, Jessica - wowza!

  3. Such an explosion of color and patterns - sure to be loved by all the recipients!


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