
Friday, October 17, 2014

Art Is ... Altered Book Workshop

I am back from a joyous week with beautiful souls at Art is You - a five day fest of support, kindness, love, and creativity.  I will be posting about many of the wonderful things, but for today, here are pics from the Altered Book Memory Keeper, the first of two workshops I taught.

This was a labor intensive class - prepping the books, cutting niches to imbed photographs and objects, as well as matchboxes to create sliding drawers.  My students were intrepid and fearless, and created beautiful works of art.  
I love how Maria used the Medieval Leaves stencil to echo the wings of her dragonfly.

Amy and Kymm created their books in honor of their children.  And Amy, who rushed out to compete in a Toastmaster challenge, treated us to a rehearsal of her speech before she left!  She was terrific and won the challenge.  Congratulations Amy!

So cool how Susan used Terri Stegmiller's Broken Circles stencil to compliment her theme of "Time." 
Eileen had the largest book - a Psychology textbook, and used the Frames stencil to surround the beautiful doll she embedded in her cover niche.  Her color choices are so pretty, and I love how the purple she used with the Medallions stencil created such a lacy feel.

Teri is a mystery writer and created a tribute to Sherlock Holmes with her book.  Echoing Sherlock's London roots, Teri used Seth Apter's urban Past Present Future stencil to get a gritty look befitting that legendary detective.  

Linda created an intensely book about her journey.  I just love the moon she adhered to the cover.  

No two books were alike, and each was intensely personal to its creator.  I didn't get a picture of Deborah alone with her book, but it's in the top row on the right.  She also celebrated her children, and her color scheme perfectly echoed the colors in her cover photo.  What beautiful creations.

Do you live in the NY/NJ area and want to take a class with me?  Check out Jessica Sporn Designs Mixed Media Group.  I offer a class a month in my home studio, and plan to offer an altered book workshop soon!

Giveaway alert!

It's a tradition at Art is You to make trades and giveaways.  I came home with some extras of the ones I made, so I will be giving one away with each Art is You blog post.  I will pick one random commenter, so if you want to be consider, leave your email address in your comment below to be eligible for this Hamsa charm!  And remember to check my blog, because there will be at least two more Art is You posts coming!

By the way, have you checked out my new calendar from Avalon?  

Here's what Raine said about it:
I just got your calendar in the mail today. I had bought it on Amazon. It's GORGEOUS!!!!   Such beautiful artwork and inspirational messages. I also love that you have small calendars for the rest of this year at the front. That is very practical. I can start using it right away!
Thanks for the great feedback Raine!   There's a great deal for the Women Inspired calendar right now on Amazon ... check it out!

 Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.  
Don't forget to leave your email address for the giveaway!

If you don't already, please sign-up for my newsletter HERE, and follow me on Facebook, PinterestBloglovin and YouTube, so that you never miss a giveaway, and always get the latest Jessica Sporn Designs' News!  

 Follow on Bloglovin


  1. I LOVE my Hamsa charm!! Didn't circle back to you to get calendars while we were in CT but plan to order a handful or so to give as holiday gifts this year! Love you Jessica!!!

  2. It was SOOO wonderful to meet you at aiy!!! Your book class's looked wonderful!!! Xoxoxo

  3. Love all of your art - altered books look fun!

  4. Love your work, Jessica. Wish I was closer to be able to participate. Delighted with your Judacia as well!

  5. Fabulous books - I wish I lived nearer!!

  6. so much gorgeous eye candy here! Sounds like you had great classes and I can see the enthusiasm in the students faces and work. It would be wonderful to win one of your Hansa charms-thanks so much for the giveaway!

  7. I loved the Australia Art Is You and hope you come 'down under' next year. Those books are just fabulous.

  8. I am thrilled to have been in your "The Sky's the Limit" class at Art-Is-You, Jessica! It was great to take a second class with JackieP Neal and to meet others, too! Love your calendar and agree with Cynde that they will make lovely gifts!

  9. Nice class. It's always great to see how everyone infuses the book with their own voice. xox

  10. How cool to see my comment and my name right on your blog! Very cool! Thanks, Jessica!

  11. hope this doesn't post twice as my first post disappeared. Great books, would love to take the class and I am going to check the calendar out now.

  12. Wow, I remember how much I love to alter books. It has been too long! I love everyone's results. It has been so much fun reading and seeing the posts. So much fun.

  13. We had such a good time. You are a natural teacher and it shows from all the beautiful books that were made. I love my calendar.

  14. Your class looks fantastic... so many smiling faces, and each book unique!

  15. sorry i missed this class but I am so glad and fortunate to have been in your Sky's The Limit class with Kay and Margie and all the other wonderful gals! You are indeed a natural at teaching! love and hugs! xo

  16. That looks like a fabulous workshop, Jessica - LOVE the photos!


If you are entering a GIVEAWAY, please add your email address in the event we need to contact you.

To avoid SPAM, please write it like this:

jessicasporndesigns (at) gmail (dot) com

Thank You!