
Monday, August 11, 2014

There's No Place Like Home

Lots going on in our new house... a/c being installed, rooms being painted, carpeting selected, decisions being made about furniture that isn't coming with us... it's hard to stay serene with so many decisions to make and so much change going on.  It's no wonder I've been making houses in my art journal.  Important to remember that wherever I am, love lives here.

Supplies used Golden Fluid Acrylics on my Gelli plate with the Flowers, Pomegranates and Leaves Stencil.  Background texture created with the Six Point Starry Night Stencil. 

Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

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  1. love your little house and it is so good you are finding that time and mojo to paint with everything happening- funny how so many of us have made such a huge life change at this age- it really does take a lot from you. wishes for a peaceful and quick transition hugs and peace Jessica ")

  2. Most exciting time for you and your family. Time to make new memories in your new home. Loving your little house painting.

  3. Many memories were made in the "old" house, Jessica. Some will remain there, while others will travel with you to the "new" house, where more memories will be made. Love your art here! It reminds me of my own house, where my studio is on the third floor and overlooks Flax Pond!

  4. New house, new beginnings. Memories have been made at the old, now time to make new ones. New place, new space and new art! :) Enjoy life, and every day do something you love, no matter what!
    Live, Laugh and Love.

  5. Love that big old heart shining in the window. That's how I am feeling, stay in the heart and all will be well. Good luck my friend I know it will be a shiny place to be. xox

  6. Good luck with the moving. Glad it's not distracting you so much you can't create.

  7. Love your house. Good luck with the move. I know you new house will be beautiful when you are done. Yoga will help you keep your center. Hugs

  8. what a really lovely page Jessica! Glad you are able to squeeze in some art time despite the busyness of moving into your new home. Best of luck with everything!

  9. Delightful that you can create and post in the midst of house chaos - well done, this beauty!

  10. Super cozy picture. Love the heart idea!

  11. Beautiful! Love the lit windows, and the one with the heart. Here's to a smooth transition into the new home...


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