
Friday, July 18, 2014

Introducing the Krishna Stencil from Stencil Girl and a Giveaway

I am thrilled to announce three new stencils from Stencil Girl - each representing a Hindu Deity that has beautiful symbolism that can be invoked by anyone.  They are Lords Krishna, Shiva and Ganesha and you can find them here!

Although the Pantheon of Hindu Gods is vast, Hindus are a monotheistic religion worshiping one God - Brahman.  Brahman is the supreme spirit that permeates everything.  There are no words to describe this spirit -- everything in the universe is part of Brahman, but Brahman is more than the sum of everything in the universe.  The "different" Gods give devotees a way to see, touch and feel this unknowable God; they give the devotees tangible, knowable aspect of the Supreme Being.

Today, I would like to tell you about the Krishna Stencil, which I created based on a drawing and watercolor in my art journal. 

In Hindu mythology, Krishna is the eighth reincarnation of the god Vishnu.  You can read more about Krishna, and Krishna Consciousness on the web, but the important thing is that he stands for love and peace.   Also, there are many parallels between the lives and teachings of Krishna and Christ, which are interesting to explore.   

I've enjoyed playing with this stencil in my art journal and in making tags and happy mail to send to friends who need some love and peace in their lives.  

Here's a video showing my process as I created this very painterly art journal page using the Krishna stencil:

You can also watch Krishna Art Journal Page on You Tube.  While I was making this page, I used the leftover black paint to stencil a bunch of Krishna's faces on the facing page in my journal.  Here's what became of it!

Here's a short little video showing my process as I created this whimsical page, using only Krishna's face.

You can watch Krishna Flowers Art Journal page on You Tube as well.

I also used two small pieces of cardboard to create two inspirational keepsakes on upcycled cardboard.  I was surprised by how the stencil lends itself to such different looks.   

Giveaway Alert:  I will send one of these little keepsakes to a person commenting on this post!   If you're interested in winning, just let me know in your comment which of the two speaks to you more - "What Matters," or "Possibility!"

UPDATE!  The winner is:

Thank you all so much for your comments!

I hope you see how the Krishna Stencil lends itself to many types of designs.  I haven't even begun exploring JUST using the flowers, or patterning!   Here's MaryBeth Shaw -- THE Stencil Girl! -- showing how she used some of the elements in her art journal.

You can also watch MaryBeth's video on YouTube

Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

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  1. Your new stencils are fabulous!
    I love' Possibilities'

  2. Hi and namaste and sholom alechem! I've only just found your wonderful blog and I love it.

    These stencils are beautiful, and I'm completely inspired by what you've created. Thanks, too, for the inspiring YouTube video.

    I love them both - especially the wording on each of them - but if I was lucky enough to win one of them, I'm more drawn to 'What Matters' because of the blues and purples. It's hard to decide, though, because they're both magical.

    Thanks again - not just for the competition, but for a wonderful blog.

  3. Love the stencils and adore your ideas as to what to do with them. I envy your wonderful creative imagination.

  4. Happy Birthday, Jessica! What a wonderful way to celebrate your birthday...with new stencil releases!! :)
    Congratulations on your new stencils, Jessica!
    Love the intricacies!

  5. Happy birthday!! Great idea to introduce and giveaway -- so generous. I'm always into the possibility of life -- anything is possible. But for journaling, I love the idea of a stencil putting "What matters most" to the journaler.

  6. this is wonderful! I am exploring the Hindu Gods and Goddesses in my artistic expression this summer. These stencils will be a wonderful tool for an art journal, cards or a big canvas of love. Again, Happy Birthday and Namaste for all you do. <3

  7. Gorgeous stencils and art....I like Possibilities most!

  8. I love what you've done with your stencils, they are fab! Happy Birthday too!!

  9. Marvelous, Jessica. I'm stealing the quote about mattering most for my computer monitor. It's the perfect reminder that I need to stop working 14 hours a day, spend more time with my husband and dogs, and maybe even play with my paints and stencils!

    1. Linda - you are the winner! Send me your snail mail address (to jessicabethsporn at gmail dot com) and I will send it out to you!

  10. thanks for the videos I like possibilities the colours are fabulous

  11. I love those colors! Thew stencils are great and you made gorgeous fun pages!
    I see it is your birthday? I hope you have a wonderful one!

  12. Love love love your stencils! Your artwork is just stunning! If I was lucky enough to win one of your amazing creations, I would choose the one on the left .. It really speaks to me! Hugs :) Kimberly

  13. Jessica, the things that matter the most really resonates with me so much. And it's such a beautiful and spiritual creation!

  14. Am absolutely in love with these stencils! And what wonderful ideas for using them! Thanks Jessica and Mary Beth for sharing your techniques!

  15. Great stencils Jessica. I've always been partial to Asian themes, and am a fan of all Hindu-related design. It's colourful, complex, and usually has an element of spirituality. I love 'What matters' because of these elements AND the sentiment is one that I try to abide by.

  16. love love love the "possibility" one -- and I also have a new perspective on the use of stencils -- never saw them use in a "painterly" way. thanks for bringing your art to the masses!

  17. The stencils and the colors are wonderful, but the one that speaks to me is the. Things that matters most quote. While on vacation this week I have been thinking about this very thing and seeing this quote validates my thoughts and how I will live when I return home. Thankd and a happy Birthday.

  18. Oh my gosh Jessica! You have done it again. I just love your ethnic art or spiritual art, whatever. These are all so beautiful. I am going to have to get these stencils as the sing to me. If I won a tag I would treasure either one. So beautiful in meaning. I whole be honored.

  19. I think the whole Hindu theme is just the coolest thing ever. Though I have heard of the Hindu religion, seeing these stencils undoubtably had me googling for quite sometime. (I love google) Ithink your spirituality is awesome. The one with "things that matter most" made me reflect on my own personal life situations at the moment. Plus the art work is just stunning. I've definitely looked at my stencils in a whole new light. As a stencil girl club member I get some very cool stencils, now I know some new ways to use them. ((((HUGS))))

  20. Love the stencils Jessica! I'm drawn (no pun intended!) to the Possibilities card - sometimes I need to remind myself to be more positive. Beautiful work.

  21. These worldly beauties are wonderful! LOVE your new stencils, and especially your art!

  22. really beautiful designs Jessica! I love the ways you have used your newest stencil and all the wonderful colors you gave your projects. "Possibilities " is the one that really grabbed my attention-love the colors and light. Thanks for the chance to win:)

  23. I love the Krishna face and your flower page. Something about it draws me in despite not being a "face" person. Thank you for your videos showing the diversity of these stencils. There are so many elements to use, I can see pulling these stencil designs out and using them for all sorts of projects!

  24. Jessica, What fabulous new designs for your stencils- I just love how you incorporate faiths/beliefs into your art and designs- always keeps me coming back for more! ")
    I love "What Matters" as I am struggling with this concept in my life right now- it really resonates with me! ")
    hugs to you, Jackie

  25. Love your new hindu stencils and the fab colors and how great they work in journaling and mixed media.

  26. These are fun and so unique - wonderful designs! Love your whimsical and fabulously colorful pages.


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jessicasporndesigns (at) gmail (dot) com

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