
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Layered Peony Stencil Tutorial and Giveaway

Last week I introduced you to the new Teacups and Teapot stencil from Stencil Girl Products.  This week, I would like you to meet Layered Peonies and Leaves.  Again - this design was inspired by a conversation with Judy Shea, who said - "I wish there was a flower stencil with big flowers."  She really is my muse in addition to my good friend!

You can create flowers three different ways with this stencil -- maybe even more.

Here are two projects I created since the release of the stencil!  The one on the left is in my art journal - the one on the right is on a collaged canvas board.

And here's a video tutorial to introduce you to to the peony stencil.

You can also watch Layered Peonies Tutorial on You Tube here!

On Saturday, a group of women came to a Meetup Class at my house to make mixed media canvases using this stencil.  Check out all the different flowers - no two alike!

 I hope you're inspired to create something with the Layered Peonies stencil.  I would love to see it!

GIVEAWAY! Want to win your own copy of the Layered Peony stencil?  I will send one stencil out to someone who comments on this post!  You have until Friday at 9AM ET to comment.  Let me know you follow my blog, like my FB page, and/or "Liked" the stencil at Stencil Girl, for up to 3 extra chances to win!

UPDATE:  The winner is Elizabeth Jones - send me a message (to jessicabethsporn at gmail dot com) with your snail mail address and it will be on its way to you!

Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

 Follow on Bloglovin


  1. I love this stencil, would be wonderful to win! I just ordered your teacup stencil, can't wait to get it. Thanks!

  2. Wish I was close enough to come to your meet ups. It gets quite lonely making art on your own. Would love to try out the peony stencil.

  3. I love this stencil. I do all three of the options.

  4. I love stencils. And I love your work.

  5. I follow you on FB and Bloglovin and have liked your page and Stencil girls!

  6. Always love your stencils and your art. This is such a great stencil to use. I especially love the girl. Wonderful!

  7. What fun - I wish I was on the same continent as you!!

  8. Oh what a gorgeous stencil Jessica!!! And how wonderful to have a friend and live muse to help you fly. Your art projects are full of beautiful messages and color as usual. It's a great party when it's the arty kind along with like-minded friends-great job with the stencil ladies! I DO follow, I think I "liked" on FB but must check that as I'm not on it much:) Thanks for the chance to win this stencil.

  9. love the peony stencil! i can think of so many ways to use it in my work... ;)

    *btw: i 'like' your FB page, and follow your blog.

  10. I love Peonies Jessica! One of my favorite flowers- ants and all!
    Your peony stencil is wonderful and oh the fun I could have with it! thanks for the chance!! ")
    ps your home studio classes look like so much fun- wish I was a wee bit closer to you!

  11. Look at all those smiling women, you are a wonderful teacher my friend. Great project. xox

  12. Love the stencil and the variety you demoed.

  13. I totally love that stencil.. I already "like" your page!

  14. Love this stencil! It's in my wishlist at StencilGirl right now. I just ordered your teapot stencil plus your October 2013 StencilGirl Club stencils! I'd love to have this one too.

  15. Jessica, such a bold and beautiful stencil! Love love it!

  16. Love this stencil and love your blog and You Tube channel. I also follow on Facebook. Thanks for the chance to win the stencil. :D

  17. I have been following you for a long time now as I just adore your art, so original and pretty. You inspire me. I have had your facebook page liked for ever lol. The stencil is just beautiful and it would make me so happy to win, but I hope the winner is someone who needs and wants it, hugs E xxx

    1. Hi Elizabeth - you won the stencil! Message me (at jessicabethsporn (at) gmail (dot) com with your snail mail address and I will send it to you!

  18. Love your flower girl and a great use of a lovely stencil. The video was really helpful thank you for sharing it.

  19. I love this stencil! I am addicted to using stencils and would live to add this to my collection. Thank you for your blog posts, I am a follower. I enjoy your posts and tutorials. I have also liked your FB page. Wish I lived closer, I'd come and take one of your classes.

  20. Just went to a local peony farm yesterday. Marvelous blooms. This stencil catches their essence. Love your blog!

  21. I really like how you designed your flower girl and the colors you used. I wish I lived closer to you and could take part in some of your classes. Watching how you used the stencil and the colors are very helpful when using other stencils in my stash.

  22. Love the stencil. I just started following you in Blogin a couple of weeks ago!...bea

  23. Hi, I am so intrigued by your designs in this post. I'm new to mixed media techniques and am enjoying the process. It would be wonderful to get an opportunity to attend a meet-up class, but I don't think I live close enough.

  24. More stencils like this please. Liked the FB FB post.

  25. Must have peonies Stencil! This is my fav flower, I have a real antique plant in my back yard over 70 years old... replanted from Aunt to Mom to it, must learn to paint it!

  26. Love the stencil - looks like fun!

  27. Jessica, these women obviously had a fabulous day with you! I love all the possibilities with this stencil! And as far as 'Like'ing you, how could we not!!!

  28. love the stencil would love to win thanks for the chance

  29. Jessica, completely unaware of your give away, I have just written a mini blog posts about you over on my own blog, put a link to your video on YouTube and a link to your blog here, I don't have anywhere near the number of followers that you do what I wonder if anyone will find your blog as a result of my little post. I love the way you take a natural stencil and put your own stamp upon it. You are very generous with your videos and sharing your technique. Thank you very much. A fan from across the pond.

  30. Oh Jessica I just decorated a canvas bag with your other flower stencil, would love to use this on many projects

  31. Peonies are one of my favourite flowers - just waiting for my 3 bushes to bloom! Love your stencil and the art you created with it!

  32. Love, love, love this flower stencil. I have liked you on facebook and liked the stencil on Stencil Girl. Thanks for the Give Away

  33. Love the stencil. Thanks for the instruction.

  34. What a lovely stencil. Especially love the organic feel of it!

  35. I love the way everyone's piece is unique - what a great stencil. Love....


If you are entering a GIVEAWAY, please add your email address in the event we need to contact you.

To avoid SPAM, please write it like this:

jessicasporndesigns (at) gmail (dot) com

Thank You!