
Thursday, May 15, 2014

We WILL Rise

Today is one month since nearly 300 high school girls were kidnapped in Nigeria.   Our auction for #bringbackourgirls starts at 7AM.  I hope you'll visit it and see all the wonderful work donated by wonderful artist-humanitarians.  Best thing is - nearly every artist has offered FREE SHIPPING around the world.

There are several sentences that have stayed with me throughout my life, courtesy of my parents.  Here are a few of them:

"You must not mistreat or oppress foreigners in any way. Remember, you yourselves were once foreigners in the land of Egypt." Exodus 22:21: "
"A man may die; nations may rise and fall; but an idea lives on forever."  John F. Kennedy
"To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men."  Abraham Lincoln
"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."  Martin Luther King Jr.
"Be the change you wish to see in the world."  Mahatma Gandhi

When nearly 300 girls were kidnapped from their High School in Nigeria, I had to DO SOMETHING. And so I put out an online call for artists to make art and participate in an online auction to raise money for Girl Rising - an organization devoted to global education for girls.   Over 60 artists have heeded the call and our auction starts at 7AM TODAY.  Please visit it.  Check out all the amazing work.  Consider bidding or making a donation.

I don't know what will happen to these girls, or whether the campaign for #bringbackourgirls will work.  But I do know that the idea that girls have the right to pursue education without fear WILL prevail.

The "word up" at One Little Word this month is "WILL."  This is my piece for it, and my third piece uploaded to our auction for #bringbackourgirls.  WE WILL RISE. In addition to paint and ephemera, I used my Hamsa, Borders and Hands stencils from #StencilGirlProducts to create this piece.  

Here are the other two pieces I uploaded. Bidding for "We Will Rise" starts at $60; bidding for "Choose Grace" starts at $5, and bidding for "All I Have" starts at $35 - so there's a price point for everyone!  I hope you will visit the auction as there is amazing work there.  Every bit makes a difference.

Here are the names and URLs of some of the amazing artists participating.
Jessica Sporn
Linda Kittmer
Ronda Palazzari
Marjie Kemper
Judy Shea
Glenda Hoagland
Astrid Maclean
Lisa Pace
Jackie Neal
Claudine Criner
France Papillon
Kristin Van Valkenburgh
Marcia Beckett
Ruth Levy
Sally Lynn MacDonald
Renee Zarate
Natasha May
Carmen Whitehead
Seth Apter
Marybeth Shaw
Amy Ingardia-Walker
Kelly Warren
Julie Bernier
Adrienne Hoban
Krista van Tol
Cheryl Grigsby
Jill Meyer
Lisa Flaherty
Kerry C. Mitchell
Lizabeth Harrington;
Barbara Lanza
Jamie Dougherty
Doreen Kassel ; www.
Nancy Baumiller
Valerie Roussel
Susan K. Weckesser
Kay Wallace

What WILL you do?  Let us know what this word means to you at One Little Word.  Linking also to Paint Party Every Day and Art Journal Every Day.

Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

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  1. Thanks so very much Jessica for putting this together. I have always believed that even one person can make a difference. Wonderful to see you be an example of that!

  2. Thanks so much for organizing this Jessica, I love all the quotes you listed, they are truly awesome! I am thrilled to have been able to donate and I hope that we make tons of money for this wonderful cause.

  3. SUCH lovely work! Thank you for doing this - and THRILLED to hear that it is doing so well!! I can't wait to hear the final results on Saturday! xoxo

  4. Jessica- this is such a wonderful event you have organized and I am so proud to be a part of it! Your post that you wrote about your folks hit home and was really inspiring- what a great set of parents you have there!! and a wonderful daughter they have raised!! Thank you for all you have done! Huge hugs Jessica!! xo

  5. It's a good cause, but unfortunately it isn't going to help those Nigerian girls get home safely. Girl Rising is an American charity that isn't affiliated with the original #bringbackourgirls campaign -- they are soliciting donations for schools etc. Just want to clarify that. :)

    1. Hi Artdamoiselle - Honestly, I don't know what any of us can do to help these girls get home safely. But I think the #bringbackourgirls campaign has drawn attention to the risks girls take and dangers they face to pursue an education, and what that education means to their opportunities in the world. This is something that Girl Rising focuses on, which is why our money will go to them. Hopefully, we can help in some small way to make the world safer for girls who want to go to school.

  6. Dear Jessica you put your heart and soul into various causes. I admire you so much for all you do. The most difficult part is in choosing what causes to support when funds are an issue. Most importantly though is to succeed in effectively helping anywhere we choose to support in whatever way we can. Thank you for everything you do!

  7. Jessica, You are a true humanitarian. It shows in everything you do. I'm happy to be able to support you in this cause. My bid is in on a piece!

  8. wow I love your top painting Jessica, so powerful. You are one very special lady. Happy PPF, Annette x

  9. Just love. Right from my heart to yours. <3

  10. Jessica all of your work has been so inspiring and truly fabulous!! This latest painting is so powerful! You are a force for good in the world and I am so happy and proud to be a part of it all!!

  11. Such a fantastic thing y'all are doing. Really beautiful art on offer too. I love your paintings.

  12. Jessica your art made me cry. It depicts all of the emotions of this situation. Well done my friend.

  13. Such a wonderful heart-felt painting - and such a wonderful cause! I wish you much success on this event! Happy PPF!

  14. A beautiful, powerful painting...very heartfelt! What an amazing citizen of the world you are...such an important cause that you've put your heart into. I wish you great success with this cause and pray for these girls that they find their way home and heal from this tragic situation!

    Hugs Giggles

  15. It's thanks to people like you that the Nigerian government is finally getting their act together and trying to find these girls. I think it's wonderful what you're doing, I really admire you for it, and it is for a great cause too. It's so important that girls get education and learn to think for themselves. The fact that these extremists try to stop this education says it all .... Good luck with the auction ♥ ♥

  16. what a wonderful painting, and good luck with all your efforts!

  17. Tears my heart open... your artwork is so poignant Jessica. Thank you for sharing all of this... xx


If you are entering a GIVEAWAY, please add your email address in the event we need to contact you.

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jessicasporndesigns (at) gmail (dot) com

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