
Saturday, March 15, 2014

One Little Word - Calm and Dream & Tutorial

One Little Word is back with a bang!  We're celebrating with a double word post and a huge giveaway!  Check out the One Little Word blog for all the DT creations and list of prizes - there are LOTS and LOTS!

I am contributing my Cascading Feathers stencil from Stencil Girl, but you have to be in it to win it!

This is my project for the word "DREAM."  It is mixed media on a frame I purchased at a rummage sale.  I used the stencils Mary Beth Shaw designed for February's Stencil Club, as well as Crackle by Nathalie Kalbach, and Cascading Feathers by me!  I'm also using a brand new stencil that hasn't been released yet, called "Tulips, Pomegranates & Leaves."  Look for it to be released soon by Stencil Girl!

I made the polymer clay embellishments in an online class taught by the fabulous Judy Shea.

The words are "found poetry" from book pages that were lying on my work table -- YAY for not cleaning up!

"Come great night and watch me as I dream."

 Here's a fast forward video of how this piece came to be:

You can also watch Canvas with Stencils, Glaze, Ink Sprays and More on You Tube.

I created my piece for "Calm"in one of the journals for the circle journaling project I've been participating in.  You can see the "Cascading Feathers" on the left of the journal spread.  On the right side is Hebrew Calligraphy with Hamsa.  

The translation of the Hebrew is:
May God bless you and keep you
May God cause the divine light to shine upon you and be gracious to you
May God turn toward you, and grant you peace
(Numbers 6: 24-26).

I hope you'll hope over to One Little Word and see all the great inspiration from the Design Team.  Link up your creation for either "Dream" or "Calm," and have a chance to win some amazing prizes!

There are still a few seats available for the class I'm teaching on April 5th at The Ink Pad in NY.  It's called "Stencils & Silhouettes, the Ins and Outs."  Here's a video preview and there's more information on the Ink Pad site.

You can also watch Stencils & Silhouettes on You Tube.  

And finally, I started a Meetup group for classes in my home studio in New Jersey.   Coming up are a class in April called "Get Tagged," and a May Art Journaling Group.  Click here to join Mixed Media Explorers on Meetup (it's free to join) and get more info. 

Thanks for visiting!

Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

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  1. This is beautiful Jessica, I also love, love your "Calm" page, love that you wrote in Hebrew. You are a busy bee but I know it's a wonderful adventure for you.

  2. Both your dream and your calm are to dream a bit today and relax and find calm. xox

  3. Absolutely fabulous video. Very inspiring. Thank you for sharing.

  4. I love what you did with that frame Jessica and the new stencil looks gorgeous. Your calm page is lovely as well.

  5. I loved your video Jessica...i think I've watched it 4 times now! you have a very easy voice and gentle way of teaching/explaining that makes me want to watch your videos again and again! Someday, i 'll get to NYC to learn from you in person! Beautiful pieces, especially love the organic board with the clay parts!

  6. That was fun to watch. I'll have to keep my eyes open at rummage sales... what a beautiful transformation!

  7. Your talent blows me away, my friend. Thanks for the shout out. Feel like forever I did that class. Beautiful everything. See you soon.

  8. What fabulous pieces! I loved that you used found poetry. You never know what deep thoughts come to the surface doing this! Patsy


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jessicasporndesigns (at) gmail (dot) com

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