
Monday, February 10, 2014

Stencil Scavenger Hunt Resuts

Congratulations to everyone who participated in in our 7 Day Stencil Scavenger Hunt with stencils from Stencil Girl! I hope you all enjoyed "the hunt" and getting to know Stencil Girl's fabulous collection a little better!  Most of the images I created are now available as prints on Society6!

And now, for the big reveal of the stencils used and the giveaway winners! 

Here is the image and the stencils used for Day One:

and the winner is Lissa Goldsmith!  The Apples & Pomegranates stencil is yours Lissa.  Congratulations!

The image and the stencils for Day Two are:

And the winner is Claire Kiehle!  Congratulations Claire.  I will be sending you the Medallions stencil.

The lady in Day 3 is close to my heart:

Caroline Duncan is the winner for Day 3!  Congrats Carolyn.  I will be sending you the Medieval Leaves stencil!

Day Four was this edgy lady and these stencils:

 Congratulations Trish Wood!  Squares and Circles is yours!

Day Five featured my daughters and these stencils:

Thank you all for your sweet comments about my girls!  Karen Buchanan won this one, and I'll be sending her the Flying Tulips. 

Day Six stumped a lot of people, who thought the image in the wings was Michelle Ward's Marrakech stencil.   But it was actually a small detail from Nathalie Kalbach's Elephant March.  When I first used her stencil in this blog hop, I knew that eventually I would use this detail on its own one day! picked Claudine C.  as the winner of this hunt!  I will be sending you the Retro Flowers and Circles Stencil.

Last but not least - Day Seven.   I wish I had boots like these...

 And the winner of this one is Lorrie Takeda!  Borders 9J is yours!

Last but not least, there were 16 women who participated every single day.  I decided to do one more drawing of just these women, and the winner is  Dee Spillane!

I will be sending you the Sporn Flowers Positive Stencil.  Enjoy!

Winners - please email your addresses to jessicabethsporn (at) gmail (dot) com!

I hope you enjoyed this Scavenger Hunt as much as I did.  I really enjoyed thinking outside the box with these stencils and hope I've given you some inspiration and ideas.  I will be taking a blogging break as we travel to Antigua, Guatemala for our 9th service trip!

I have posts scheduled for the 15th for One Little Word, and 24th for a special Stencil Girl/Walnut Hollow blog hop, and will look forward to seeing you all when I return. 

Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

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  1. Wow I won a beautiful stencil! Thanks so much Jessica!!! This was so much fun. Have a blast on your trip, it sounds awesome.

  2. Thank you for sharing all your creativity and talent with us during the Scavenger Hunt (and all the time actually)! I really enjoyed it and I'm thrilled my name was drawn for the Day 3 winner!! Thank you so much!! I know I will enjoy the new stencil!! :) Have a wonderful time on your service trip!! You should definitely take a little journaling travel kit with you if havent already planned on that.

  3. Congrats to all the winners and have a save trip Jessica!

  4. Congratulations to all winners, wasn't this fun? I enjoyed it a lot. Have a safe and fulfilling trip Jessica. I look forward to more surprises from you when you return.

  5. Thank you for a really fun week of art and treasure. Your art and SG ate treasures to me. I love how you use your stencils and learn every time I see a n SG post. Congrats to all the winners!

  6. Congratulations to all the lucky winners!

  7. Thanks for the scavenger hunt. I really enjoyed seeing all the details of the stencils at Stencil Girl. I especially enjoyed seeing how you put them together for some outstanding art. I think we are all winners.

  8. Thank you for a fun treasure hunt! My name wasn't drawn, but I think I'm a winner too, because I learned so much and had a great time! Thanks for everything, enjoy your trip - 'service' trip, as in missionary work? That's wonderful! Take care and travel safe

  9. Thank you so much Jessica! This was so much fun. Safe travels.

  10. Thanks for a fun "Hunt", Jessica! It helped me figure out which stencils are on my Must Have list! Have a safe trip, and look forward to your next post! Hugs!

  11. Thank you so much for this great hunt. I learned a lot. And since I was lucky enough to win a stencil, I will be trying it in some different ways.

  12. What a great job you did. Hope you are having your usual renewal and family time where you are. xox


If you are entering a GIVEAWAY, please add your email address in the event we need to contact you.

To avoid SPAM, please write it like this:

jessicasporndesigns (at) gmail (dot) com

Thank You!