
Saturday, February 15, 2014

One Little Word UP - CALM and Giveaway

I'm on a 10 day service trip in Guatemala.  It's our 9th one!  But while I'm there...

the "word up" this month at One Little Word is CALMThe wonderful animals of Corrine Gilman, the beautiful girls of Mindy Lacefield, and this poem by William Wordsworth, inspired my art journal page. 
Calm is All Nature as a Resting Wheel
Calm is all nature as a resting wheel.
The kine are couched upon the dewy grass;
The horse alone, seen dimly as I pass,
Is cropping audibly his later meal:
Dark is the ground; a slumber seems to steal
O'er vale, and mountain, and the starless sky.
Now, in this blank of things, a harmony,
Home-felt, and home-created, comes to heal
That grief for which the senses still supply
Fresh food; for only then, when memory
Is hushed, am I at rest. My Friends! restrain
Those busy cares that would allay my pain;
Oh! leave me to myself, nor let me feel
The officious touch that makes me droop again.

On either side of my "Calm" spread, I spread modeling paste through my Cascading Feathers and Hebrew Calligraphy Hamsa stencils.  The words in the Hebrew stencil, and the feathers, calm me.   The translation is:

May God bless you and keep you
May God cause the divine light to shine upon you and be gracious to you
May God turn toward you, and grant you peace
(Numbers 6: 24-26).

I hope you'll create something inspired by the word "calm."  And please link up at One Little Word!

Last month, the word up was Aspire, and I promised a giveaway to someone if they linked up.  The winner is Ruth L!  Ruth, email me at jessicabethsporn (at) gmail (dot) com and I will send the Jump for Joy stencil to you! 

Comment on this post by Sunday night, 2/23 at 11:59PM EST, for a chance to win the Cascading Leaves stencil!  (And on the Stencil Girl site, you can see MaryBeth Shaw working with it!)

2/25/14 Update: The winner is Die Amelie - Claudia!  Congratulations Claudia! Send me your snail mail addres (to jessicabethsporn (@) gmail (.) com and Stencil Girl will send it to you!

I'll have another stencil giveaway of my Runes stencil on that blog hop.

Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

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  1. Ohhh WOW Jessica, I LOVE this one so much! The kind expression on your girl's face as she connects with the animals is really beautiful! Love everything about this!

  2. Jessica, this page really looks so calm and peaceful!

  3. This picture is calm and yet powerful. I really appreciate your talent Jessica. Thank you for being so generous with your sharing.

  4. Simply lovely! I follow your blog and your videos!

  5. Jessica, I often wondered what the words on the Hebrew Hamsa stencil said- thank you for translating- how beautiful and peaceful that verse is.

    1. geesh, forgot to tell you your pages are lovely and very calming- Jackie

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Jessica, your work is stunning. You have really captured the essence of 'calm'. Theresa x

  8. What a wonderful, wonderful page, Jessica!
    I'm in love with your little word page! <3
    Claudia x

    1. Hi Claudia - you won the cascading feathers stencil! Send your snail mail address to me at jessicabethsporn (at) gmail (dot) com and I will get it to you!

  9. Love the page. What a fantastic project, those books will be an absolute treasure!

  10. Lovely! I love Stencil Girl stencils. Love your art. Thank you!

  11. I love this Jessica - and the Wordsworth poem is one of my favourites!

  12. what a sweet expression she has-beautiful piece Jessica! Love the Wordsworth poem too.

  13. Hi Jessica, Love your art journal page. I would be interested to hear more about your service trip in Guatemala. It sounds inspiring. Barbara x

  14. Beautiful pages! Hope you have a safe trip.

  15. Your colors are so nice; great word too!

  16. Thanks for the chance to win. Meredith245 at yahoo dot com

  17. Beautiful page!!! and nice take on 'Calm'... wonderful poem by Wordsworth and Lovely stencils.

  18. Lovely Jessica, nature and animals always make us calmer don't they...xox

  19. is really fantastic, love your work!

  20. I love the girl you drew and painted!!! Just such a lovely and peaceful face. The whole journal page is gorgeous!

  21. Beautiful, cohesive, and inspiring....I am calm, but energized:)

  22. Jessica, I know I'm too late for the giveaway, but I still wanted to comment. This post is just so beautiful. Thank you!

  23. Your post is very interesting! I enjoyed looking at your art. Thank you.

  24. Hi Jessica, I am in love with the Hebrew stencil. I don't think I've ever seen one before! Definitely on my to purchase list!
    Beth P


If you are entering a GIVEAWAY, please add your email address in the event we need to contact you.

To avoid SPAM, please write it like this:

jessicasporndesigns (at) gmail (dot) com

Thank You!