
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

One Little Word UP - ASPIRE!

Today's word-up at One Little Word is ASPIRE, defined as:  to long, aim, or seek ambitiously; be eagerly desirous, especially for something great or of high value.
What better thing to aspire to than to embrace ourselves for the beauty, goodness, and, yes, even the flaws, within us?
I created this art journal spread using a gelli printed background paper, and stencils from January Stencil Club from Stencil Girl, which goes live today!  I also used lots of collage materials from magazines, and gelli print scraps on my work table.  The body of the peacock is from this Jump for Joy stencil from Stencil Girl. 

To what do you aspire?  I hope you'll participate in OLW and let us know!  I will give away a "Jump for Joy" stencil to one of the participants, so make sure to create something and link up between now and February 15!

Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

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  1. Amazing spread Jessica, and great stencil as well!

  2. Love this page Jessica! So colorful! Thanks for offering a giveaway!

  3. Another inspirational piece of art from you, Jessica! Even at 70, I still plan to grow and change and become that to which I be the kind of persons my dog thinks I am! ;-) Thanks for sharing your heart with us! Mwah!

  4. this is wonderful-and I love peacocks! Love your jumping for joy version-clever and just FAB Jessica!

  5. How beautiful Jessica! I should aspire to be the person that I wish others to perceive me to be, that person who is tolerant, kind, just and loyal, I hope that I am achieving at least some of these aspirations but one wouldn't expect to have fulfilled what is after all the very part of us that grows and evolves throughout the journey which is life itself, maybe one might never aspire to all that they wish, but we can only hope to achieve a some of the goals or wants that we expect of ourselves and others.

    Thank you.

    Jan x

  6. Jumping for joy at your aspirations....You always aspire to grow. xox

  7. I just found you from the Stencil Girl Jan Stencil video! I LOVE your projects! I can't wait to see more of your beautiful art. You are a great teacher! Thank you very much. I tried to comment beneath the Stencil Girl video but, it wouldn't let me.

  8. A complete well-written post. I apprehend and admired the array and admission aswell bookmarked you. All the best for abutting endeavors

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If you are entering a GIVEAWAY, please add your email address in the event we need to contact you.

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jessicasporndesigns (at) gmail (dot) com

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